* Julien Valroff <jul...@debian.org> [2011-10-08 20:50]:
> It would be great to state the changes to be made to one's configuration
> after upgrading to the 3.5 release in NEWS.Debian.

Actually I would like to put the blame on this partly towards upstream since 
there was no proper documentation for the changes this time for the release.

> By the way, the 3.5.0-1 package doesn't ship any environment file, but still
> contains an autostart.sh file which can be misleading for the end user (at
> least, it was for me).

We will update this and the news in the next upload.

Nico Golde - http://www.ngolde.de - n...@jabber.ccc.de - GPG: 0xA0A0AAAA
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