Source: kephra
Severity: serious
Tags: wheezy sid
Usertags: qa-ftbfs-20111022 qa-ftbfs
Justification: FTBFS on amd64


During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build on

Relevant part:
> make[2]: Entering directory `/build/kephra-XhpAAp/kephra-'
> PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" 
> "test_harness(0, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
> #   Failed test 'require Wx;'
> #   at t/01_compile.t line 44.
> #     Tried to require 'Wx'.
> #     Error:  Can't load '/usr/lib/perl5/auto/Wx/' for module Wx: 
> /usr/lib/perl5/auto/Wx/ symbol _ZN7wxSound6CreateEiPKh, version WXU_2.8 
> not defined in file with link time reference at 
> /usr/lib/perl/5.12/ line 192.
> #  at (eval 27) line 2
> # Compilation failed in require at (eval 27) line 2.
> #   Failed test 'require Wx::Perl::ProcessStream;'
> #   at t/01_compile.t line 44.
> #     Tried to require 'Wx::Perl::ProcessStream'.
> #     Error:  Attempt to reload aborted.
> # Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/perl5/Wx/Perl/ 
> line 455.
> # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at 
> /usr/share/perl5/Wx/Perl/ line 455.
> # Compilation failed in require at (eval 30) line 2.
> #   Failed test 'require Kephra::App::Panel::Output;'
> #   at t/01_compile.t line 44.
> #     Tried to require 'Kephra::App::Panel::Output'.
> #     Error:  Attempt to reload aborted.
> # Compilation failed in require at lib/Kephra/App/Panel/ line 7.
> # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at lib/Kephra/App/Panel/ line 7.
> # Compilation failed in require at (eval 62) line 2.
> #   Failed test 'require Kephra::Dialog::Search;'
> #   at t/01_compile.t line 44.
> #     Tried to require 'Kephra::Dialog::Search'.
> #     Error:  Can't locate object method "new" via package "Wx::Colour" 
> (perhaps you forgot to load "Wx::Colour"?) at lib/Kephra/Dialog/ 
> line 12.
> # Compilation failed in require at (eval 66) line 2.
> # Looks like you failed 4 tests of 79.
> t/01_compile.t ........... 
> Dubious, test returned 4 (wstat 1024, 0x400)
> Failed 4/79 subtests 
> Can't load '/usr/lib/perl5/auto/Wx/' for module Wx: 
> /usr/lib/perl5/auto/Wx/ symbol _ZN7wxSound6CreateEiPKh, version WXU_2.8 
> not defined in file with link time reference at 
> /usr/lib/perl/5.12/ line 192.
>  at t/02_config.t line 21
> Compilation failed in require at t/02_config.t line 21.
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/02_config.t line 21.
> # Looks like you planned 17 tests but ran 1.
> # Looks like your test exited with 2 just after 1.
> t/02_config.t ............ 
> Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
> Failed 16/17 subtests 
> t/03_config_default.t .... ok
> t/04_config_data_tree.t .. ok
> t/10_new.t ............... ok
> Test Summary Report
> -------------------
> t/01_compile.t         (Wstat: 1024 Tests: 79 Failed: 4)
>   Failed tests:  7-8, 38, 42
>   Non-zero exit status: 4
> t/02_config.t          (Wstat: 512 Tests: 1 Failed: 0)
>   Non-zero exit status: 2
>   Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 17 tests but ran 1.
> Files=5, Tests=89,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr  0.01 sys +  0.31 cusr  0.04 
> csys =  0.39 CPU)
> Result: FAIL
> Failed 2/5 test programs. 4/89 subtests failed.
> make[2]: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255

The full build log is available from:

A list of current common problems and possible solutions is available at . You're welcome to contribute!

About the archive rebuild: The rebuild was done on about 50 AMD64 nodes
of the Grid'5000 platform, using a clean chroot.  Internet was not
accessible from the build systems.

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