Hi Adam,

Am 28.10.2011 11:13, schrieb Adam Sjøgren:
> Anyway, I just wanted to clarify these points - I see no way to avoid
> removing bubblemon from Debian; so be it.

Thanks for your clarification. I didn't see any followup from you on
these bug reports. Would have been cool if you had just replied, that
you are in contact with upstream/working on it yourself etc. so others
know what's going on.
So I wrongly got the impression, that you went completely silent and I
didn't want to imply that. Sorry for that.

If you still want to work on bubblemon and port it yourself, we can
remove it from testing only, so it doesn't block the GNOME 3 transition.

Just let us know, what you prefer.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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