
On Mon, Nov 07, 2011 at 11:05:43AM +0100, Didier Raboud wrote:
> I'd be happy to. But this should be fixed IMHO:

thanks for the review!

> * Lintian warning: W: min12xxw source: debhelper-but-no-misc-depends min12xxw 
> Indeed, you need to add ${misc:Depends} to min12xxw's Depennds field.

The transitional package should only have a dependency against the package with
the new name, so even while adding ${misc:Depends} shouldn't hurt, I don't think
it's the best idea.

> * The homepage information is in the description, where it should only be in 
> its own "Homepage:" field in the source section of debian/control.

Good catch! That was really old cruft, removed.

> * From the changelog: "debian/rules: change synopsis to start with a lower 
> case letter" : the synopsis is not in debian/rules but in debian/control, 
> right?

Right, changed that.

Well, the rest are pedantic tags, which I won't address.

So here we are again:


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