Alessio Treglia (2011-07-30 13:09:56 +0200) wrote:

> x264enc has been added to gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly, so it should work now.
> Please test.

Arista 0.9.7-3 still insists in using XviD for Nokia 770 (now in package
gstreamer0.10-plugins-really-bad), it still insists in scaling to 352 x 208,
and it still shows the error notification about not being able to link
videotee with queue4.  Besides I'm no longer running OS2006 on my Nokia but
OS2007 Hacker Edition.  The conversion using "N800 / N810" presets doesn't
result in a video that can be played in OS2007 HE either. :(

I'm no longer using this device, so feel free to close this bug report as you
see fit.  Anyway, thanks Alessio for your attention!
Ivan Vilata i Balaguer --

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