On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 4:38 PM, Gunnar Wolf <gw...@gwolf.org> wrote:

> I am sending now this "Request For Adoption" bug. I intend to keep
> maintaining Cherokee the best way I can (which as can be seen is not
> too good) until the next Debian Stable release, and if no new
> maintainer steps up by then, will flag it as Orphaned.

I've never maintained a Debian package before, but I'm certainly willing to
learn if for no other reason than to ensure this project continues for as
an active package. What's the first step?


M. David Peterson
Co-Founder & Chief Architect, 3rd&Urban, LLC
Email: m.da...@3rdandurban.com
Voice: (801) 742-1064
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