Hi Eugen,

On Mon, 25 Jul 2011 21:44:35 +0200, Eugen Dedu
<eugen.d...@pu-pm.univ-fcomte.fr> wrote:
> I succeded to compile ekiga with mingw-w64.  However, when I execute
> it on Windows I have an error 0xc0000142.  I was told on mingw-w64
> mailing list that this is a packaging issue, a flag not having been
> used or something like that.  All the information about this issue is
> at 
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=CALc40c_ZkyqvCEpp8QoSXUzbJPaaU1uT6872asvpv5x%2B_u5RAA%40mail.gmail.com&forum_name=mingw-w64-public
> I would appreciate if you can upload a fix for it (better with recent 
> SVN mingw-w64 repository, since they fixed two issues I need).

It's been a while, but I finally managed a full rebuild of gtk+ and all its
dependencies using mingw-w64, and it doesn't fix the problem - I still get

err:module:attach_process_dlls "libpt.2.10.2.dll" failed to initialize,

so there's something else involved, beyond using mingw32-built DLLs with a
mingw-w64-built program.

Have you had any more luck than me?



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