On sam., 2011-11-12 at 15:23 +0100, Eduard Bloch wrote:
> Package: xfce4-settings
> Version: 4.8.3-1
> Severity: normal
> In the keyboard shortcut editor, I see weird behavior patterns over and
> over again. 
> a) sometimes, I can not remove an entry. Pressing the remove
> button does not do anything to it. However, I can edit the entry once
> and only then it can be removed with the Remove button.

Well, sadly I can't do anything with that... If you manage to have a
reproducible, specific workflow, that would help... You might want to
check with xfconf-query what is the real content of the settings
database (to check if the problem lies in the editor dialog).
> b) "Set defaults" does not replace the configuration with the default
> set (which is what the warning dialog says, IMO). Instead, it adds the
> default entries to the existing list. Pressing the button multiple times
> creates multiple copies of the same entries.

I think the previous problem might comes from that action. “Reset to
default” *does* reset to defaults, but the dialog seems to miss a
refresh, so it seems that entries are added (and can't be removed) while
they aren't. Re-starting the dialog fixes that.
> c) selecting everything with Ctrl-a and pushing the Remove buttons does
> "random" things. Sometimes it removes a few entries from the beginning,
> sometimes from the end, sometimes it does not remove anything at all,
> sometimes it feels like it only removes the new ones since this button
> was pressed before. However, that might be related to a).

Yes, same thing as b)

Can you check with xfconf-query or by restarting the dialog? If you can
confirm the behavior, I'll retitle the bug and forward that upstream.


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