retitle 597395 RFP: python-distutils2 -- the replacement of distutils

Hi all,

I took over the day-to-day upstream maintenance of distutils2, with
Tarek still being the lead and decision-maker of the project.  I’m
interested in becoming officially involved in Debian and have started
learning Debian policies and tools, so I will probably make an ITP for
this when I release distutils2 1.0a4 later this month.

> Given, that this is just a new version of existing software, I would
> like to at least co-maintain that.
What would “at most” be?  Being sole maintainer?

> I'd like to keep the changes in current distutils and distribute, and
> distutils2 in sync.
I don’t really understand why distutils in Debian has a non-standard
--install-layout option.  Can’t it be achieved with regular
--root/--prefix/--install-* options?

Also, with packaging in Python 3.3 or distutils2, the configuration for
installation schemes move from Python code in the install command to a
sysconfig.cfg file, which is precisely intended for OS packagers to
customize.  Won’t that remove the need for --install-layout?

> Are there currently any packages which use distutils2?
There are some projects on PyPI that depend on d2 for their packaging,
in replacement or in addition to distutils or setuptools-based
 I don’t know if there are projects which use d2 at runtime (i.e.
packaging tools using public building blocks we provide).  HTH

Best regards

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