tags 327448 +confirmed
tags 327448 +pending
tags 327448 +forwarded

Confirmed the problem (as best I can without a 64-bit system at hand, but
the problem is, as the submitter notes, pretty obvious, and the patch
submitted is an equally obvious, non-invasive fix).

I've added it to the SVN repository, and expect to make an upload based on
5.0 beta 7 (which still had the problem) in the immediate future; this was
one of the last tasks holding the release up.

Also forwarded it to Ken Keys, the upstream author. I'd expect to see it in
beta8, given the nature of it, but if not... well, the patch is still in
the package, fear not.
Joel Aelwyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                       ,''`.
                                                                     : :' :
                                                                     `. `'

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