On mar., 2011-11-22 at 17:17 +0400, dimas wrote:
> After recent updates (several days ago, containing much xfce-related
> stuff) i've noticed that keyboard shortcuts do not work now. first
> thing i've tried is to delete
> "~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts.xml", 
> and then to start xfce4-keyboard-settings, so it created new one with default 
> values. but those don't seem to work too. only alt+f2 gives result, others 
> such as ctrl+alt+del or ctrl+esc make no sense, but if i run respective 
> actions manually (e.g. xfdesktop --menu), it works fine. which is also 
> interesting, WM shortcuts, containing in the same file (like alt+f7 to move, 
> alt+f8 to resize, etc) works just fine.
> btw, i made no changes to configuration before the moment i've noticed
> this behaviour 

Could you:

* check if it only happens with shortcuts containing Ctrl
* check if it works when you rebind them


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