reassign 617694 src:linux-2.6 2.6.32-30


reydecopas wrote:

> When reconnect to a wpa2 enterprise peap wireless network the network-manager 
> doesn't get connection.
> The solution I have tested is: right click in network-manager, disable 
> wireless, modprobe -r rt2860sta, load the module again, and enable wireless
> in network-manager, then it works

Oh, sheesh, that definitely shouldn't be necessary.

So here's what we'll need in order to fix this:

Please try the newest kernel from squeeze, and attach output from
"reportbug -p linux-image-$(uname -r)" so we can get to know your
hardware better.

If it still exhibits the problem, please also try a 3.1.y kernel from
sid.  The only packages from outside squeeze you should need in order
to do this are the kernel image itself, initramfs-tools, and

Then, if the 3.x kernel exhibits the same trouble, we can work on
reporting this upstream[*].  And if it does not exhibit the same
trouble, we can try a few kernels halfway between from in order to find when the fix was
introduced, and then apply that patch to squeeze.

What do you think?  Thanks for reporting it, and good luck.


[*] They will probably want a reproduction recipe using iwconfig or
iw, as described at

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