found 592497 linux-2.6/2.6.32-35

Joseph Landry wrote:

> I made a short test with squeeze's 2.6.32-35 and it crashed 2 hours
> later. Unfortunately kdump didn't work and switched to
> squeeze-backport 2.6.38-bpo.2-686-bigmem.
> There is no way I can tell if the bug is similar to the one we had
> with lenny but 2.6.38 seems more stable on our server so we will
> keep using version for now.

Thanks.  What kernel are you using these days?

If you can get any information on the problem in squeeze (e.g., logs,
photographs of crashes, etc), for example to confirm that the message
is still "CRED: put_cred_rcu() sees ...", then that would be useful.


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