
Le 20.09.2005 23:26:22, Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo a écrit :
El mar, 20-09-2005 a las 05:04 +0000, Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh)
> Jose,

> I've just enabled seahorse-agent in sessions preferences of gnome.
> How I reproduce the problem:
> - update seahorse ;-)
> - exit gnome
> - restart gnome (so far, no problem)
> - start balsa
> - write a message and sign it, the password is cached
> - stop balsa
> - exit gnome
> If I've a look in .gnome2/session, I've now this entry:
> 5,id=11c0a8010f000112719229800000199770000
> 5,Program=seahorse
> 5,CurrentDirectory=/home/jean-luc
> 5,CloneCommand=seahorse
> 5,RestartCommand=seahorse --sm-client-id
> 11c0a8010f000112719229800000199770000 -
> - restart gnome, I've now the "Encryption Key Manager" displayed.
> When I use the previous version of seahorse, I've not this entry
> created in .gnome2/session

  It seems you have saved your session with seahorse-agent loaded, and
it must be trying to load it twice. Please, remove that entry from
file, and restart GNOME.

When I strart hnome for the first time, I've not the seahorse window.
I've seahorse-agent in the program at start as decribed in encryption properties If I look in .gnome/session just after gnome starts, I cas see two entries:
one for seahorse-agent
one for seahorse

If I delete (or set the trash attribute) to seahorse, I've (of course) not the problem at the next run. Otherwise seahorse is in .gnome2/session and starts

If seahorse-agent does not start automatically, you have to go to
tab in session config window and add it there (this will create
a .gnome2/session-manual file).

This si what I did but both seahorse-agent and seahorse are present.

If I revert to the previous version (0.7.8-2) of seahorse, I've not this problem.

 This should solve your problem. Please, tell me if this works.

Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo



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