Jonathan Nieder dixit:

>I've put up a demo at

No. Cross binutils are built using the documentation from which show
that the stock binutils Debian source package already has
this functionality. So something like below can easily be
used, and no extra source package is ever needed.

tg@zigo:~ $ cat bBinutils
set -x
export TARGET
exec sudo eatmydata cowbuilder --debbuildopts -b --build "$@"

(That said, regarding pcc, I’ll retire the multi-target
ability in the next upload until we can have arch:all
packages with a specific build architecture – the current
hack is not nice, and multiarch doesn’t solve it either,
especially as you’re not allowed to depend on specific
architectures’ packages.)

Support mksh as /bin/sh and RoQA dash NOW!
‣ src:bash (241 (259) bugs: 0 RC, 168 (182) I&N, 73 (77) M&W, 0 F&P)
‣ src:dash (71 (81) bugs: 3 RC, 27 (30) I&N, 41 (48) M&W, 0 F&P)
‣ src:mksh (1 bug: 0 RC, 0 I&N, 1 M&W, 0 F&P) is pretty red, innit?

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