Chris Moules, 2011-12-20 17:39+0100:
> Recently finding this issue after updating part of the wiki I started looking 
> for similar cases. I found this on the dokuwiki
> bug tracker:
> This seemed to point to an old, unrelated, Debian bug, but the report was 
> form this year. It looked to, at least in part, mirror
> my issue.

In fact it is has a completely different cause, only the effect is the
same: in your case, missing conffiles, in the other case, an undefined

> Following up on this I did a little digging in the source and found the 
> reference to the configuration file that
> seemed to be missing. I performed a non-clean 'reinstall' via a 'dpkg -i 
> dokuwiki_0.0.20110525a-2_all.deb' and this also did not
> prompt or replace the conf files.

Installing the package manually is not unclean by itself. Something went
wrong but not due to that.

> As the upgrade was not that long ago, plus the dokuwiki bug report, I assumed 
> this to be a packaging bug.

Well, perhaps it is, or worse, perhaps it is due to an old packaging bug
that has been resolved but had some long-term effect on your
installation. If it is really the case, we might have a change to
identify it in order to work around it.

> This server has also had '/etc/' restored due to some config file damage. 
> That was prior to this upgrade. It is possible that
> the dokuwiki config files were affected by this and therefore the update 
> problems. I will need to check on that.

That sounds like a possible cause indeed, I hope that you will be able
to check it (and I secretely hope that it is really the cause of your
problem ;-) ).

> Sorry if this was just noise, I just found and fixed this porblem today and 
> so I wanted to 'document' it too before it got
> forgotten.

Do not be sorry: in doubt, problems should be reported, so this is fine.

: /` )   Tanguy Ortolo <> <irc://>
| `-'    Debian Maintainer

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