Guillem Jover <> writes:
> On Thu, 2011-12-29 at 17:36:35 +0100, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
>> On Thu, 29 Dec 2011, Ansgar Burchardt wrote:
>> > Maybe something like
>> > 
>> >   dpkg-query -f='${show:Source-Package} (= ${show:Source-Version})' -W 
>> > foo-binary
>> I suggested this to Ansgar on IRC because even if we already have all the
>> required information, it's painful to extract it from the Source field
>> implementing the required fallback on the Package and Version fields.
>> Thus I believe that those virtual fields would be useful.
> Yes, seems like a good idea, and I've implemented it now locally, will
> be on my next push.


>> > or even a special virtual field with the correct value for Built-Using
>> > could be implemented?
>> I don't think that this brings us anything significant. The former virtual
>> fields ought to be enough.
> Well, given that Built-Using can have several packages in it I don't
> see how dpkg-query would be able to know the correct value for it in
> any case.

I was thinking about a virtual field that implements the format in the
first paragraph; one still would have to list the packages.  However
after thinking a bit longer about it, I'm not convinced by this idea
myself: it seems too specialized to be in dpkg-query.


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