I'm afraid to say that this defect is still not fixed in klaptopdaemon-3.4.2

The automatic suspend problem of as soon as klaptopdaemon starts up when KDE 
is started, is still there.
If I remove the rc file for klaptopdaemon and start KDE, it works. But then 
when I again configure klaptopdaemon and select "Suspend" in the "Button 
Actions" tab for "LID Close Switch" and select Apply, the laptop goes into 
and endless loop of suspend (susped-to-RAM).

Note: I've got another laptop (Dell D600) on which this particular issue isn't 
seen, though that laptop doesn't resume at all, instead upon resume it simply 
resets the machine. Let's not get into this laptops problem. This was just 
for your information that maybe it could help you.

So, since another make laptop isn't having exactly the same problem, I come up 
with this question in my mind. Maybe you could answer it.

On Default/Stock Linux Kernels where Suspend1 is the only suspend mechanism, 
how does klaptopdaemon handle "suspend-to-RAM" and "suspend-to-DISK".
If it does that with the help of ACPI, then we might narrow it down hoping 
that the ACPI support for my actual laptop (against which this defect was 
filed) has a broken ACPI implementation.

If klaptopdaemon doesn't use ACPI and uses some other mechanism of its own to 
trigger "suspend-to-RAM" and "suspend-to-DISK" events, then definitely it 
should be a klaptopdaemon related defect which still isn't fixed in 3.4.2

Thanks for all your effort and patience.


Ritesh Raj Sarraf
RESEARCHUT -- http://www.researchut.com
Gnupg Key ID: 04F130BC
"Stealing logic from one person is plagiarism, stealing from many is 
"Necessity is the mother of invention."

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