Hello Vincent,
I thought I at least replied to your other mails. Shame on me, I'm very
sorry. :(

Let me reply also to your 2009 mail -- a bit late though :)

On Thu, 19 Nov 2009 23:41:10 +0100, Vincent Lefevre wrote:

> When I suspend my laptop or unplug the Ethernet cable, wicd
> deconfigures the wired (eth0) interface, even though I wasn't
> connected via wicd. I don't know whether wicd does that directly
> or whether this is done by dhclient (the logs show that dhclient
> is started at this time, and it is started by wicd, because if I
> stop the wicd daemon, this no longer happens). In any case, wicd
> is the culprit, because starting dhclient when I suspend my laptop
> or unplug the Ethernet cable makes no sense!

Ok, I need to check this. I don't connect via cable since some time, so I
could've easily missed this bug.

> [..]
> I don't use wicd for eth0 because it is too limited: depending on the
> environment (remote router), I sometimes need a static IP address and
> sometimes need to use DHCP (this is possible with ifup + guessnet, but not
> with wicd).

There are "wired profiles" you can use for that -- each profile has its own
settings, and you can switch them basing on the network you're trying to
connect to. I guess that "guessnet" automatically understand which network
you're on: if it is true, then this is the only thing missing to wicd. :)

On Fri, 6 Jan 2012 10:57:02 +0100, Vincent Lefevre wrote:

> This still occurs, at least when the Ethernet cable is unplugged.

So the "suspend bug" is gone?

> In the wicd logs:
> [...]
> 2012/01/06 10:24:34 :: ifconfig eth0 up
> 2012/01/06 10:24:36 :: [..]
> 2012/01/06 10:24:36 :: attempting to set hostname with dhclient
> 2012/01/06 10:24:36 :: using dhcpcd or another supported client may work
> better
> 2012/01/06 10:24:36 :: /sbin/dhclient -v -r eth0
> 2012/01/06 10:24:37 :: ifconfig eth0 
> 2012/01/06 10:24:37 :: /sbin/ip route flush dev eth0
> 2012/01/06 10:24:37 :: ifconfig eth0 down
> 2012/01/06 10:24:37 :: ifconfig eth0 up
> [...]

In this log, I don't understand when you unplug your cable. Could you please
re-take it so that it is a bit clearer? I'd suggest doing:

  $ tail -f /var/log/wicd/wicd.log

  // send some newlines
  // write something "I'm unplugging the cable", and some more newlines
  // unplug the cable
  // copy-paste

> My config has changed a bit, and I now use netplug, but wicd also
> confuses netplug, meaning that I lose the network connection.

(btw, I've had some requests to use NETLINK in wicd too :))

> Note: in the wicd preferences, "Always switch to a wired connection
> when available" is unticked. So, wicd should never attempt to modify
> the eth0 settings.
> As a workaround, one can leave the wired interface blank in the
> preferences.

If you don't want wicd to mess with eth0 at all then yes, that's the way of
doing it.

Obviously, if you have that box unticked, wicd shouldn't attempt a connection
on plug, nor a disconnection on unplug (unless the connection was started by

I can't remember if originally it didn't touch interfaces listed
in /etc/network/interfaces -- but it would be nice to support that too.
However I'm quite busy releasing 1.7.1, so this "feature" might come with 1.7.2
or later :)

Thanks, and sorry for not replying for so long,

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