
First, I have bash from sid ( GNU bash, versiĆ³n 4.2.20(1)-release
(x86_64-pc-linux-gnu )

I try the default complete-hostname function keybind (\e@) and it doesn't
work with ALT key.

ESC + @ works

When I try bind '"\C-@": complete-hostname', it works fine

But, ALT-f works like ESC-f (forward-word)

I can reproduce which Josh says about
$ bind 'Control-v: "\C-@\C-e&\C-x\C-x"'

I'm sure in another Debian Sid installation ALT-@ works fine, so this maybe
related to keyboard (in my laptop doesn't work, but in a tower, it works).

Is there any thing I can do to help debugging this issue ?

Thanks !

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