That may be true, but it is a goal of Debian to be able to build the
archive using binutils-gold, which requires each ELF object (shared
library or executable) to link with every library whose symbol it uses.

As I understand it, the reason is that binutils-gold allows for much
faster build-time and run-time linking than standard binutils.

Feel free to ignore this, but at some point this will become a
release-critical bug.


On Thu, 2011-12-29 at 23:44 -0600, Pavan Balaji wrote:
> The best method is to use pkg-config to find what libraries need to be 
> linked in.  Currently, this list is libmpich, libmpl and libopa, if you 
> are using generic TCP/IP and shared memory support.  But if you enable 
> other modules, more libraries might be required.
>   -- Pavan
> On 12/29/2011 01:48 PM, Adam C Powell IV wrote:
> > X-DebBugs-CC:
> > Package: libmpich2-dev
> > Version: 1.4.1-1+b1
> >
> > Greetings,
> >
> > On mips(el) and s390, the scalapack build fails with:
> >
> > gfortran  -o 
> > /build/buildd-scalapack_1.8.0-8-mipsel-D7TgwK/scalapack-1.8.0/TESTING/xspblas1tst
> >  psblas1tst.o psblastst.o slamch.o pblastst.o PB_Cwarn.o PB_Cabort.o -L 
> > /build/buildd-scalapack_1.8.0-8-mipsel-D7TgwK/scalapack-1.8.0 
> > -lscalapack-mpich2 -lblacsF77init-mpich2 -lblacs-mpich2 
> > -lblacsF77init-mpich2 -llapack -lblas -L/usr/lib/mpich2/lib/ -lmpich
> > /usr/lib/mpich2/lib// undefined reference to `MPL_trfree'
> > /usr/lib/mpich2/lib// undefined reference to `MPL_env2str'
> > /usr/lib/mpich2/lib// undefined reference to `MPL_trlevel'
> > /usr/lib/mpich2/lib// undefined reference to `MPL_trvalid'
> > /usr/lib/mpich2/lib// undefined reference to `MPL_trmalloc'
> > /usr/lib/mpich2/lib// undefined reference to `MPL_trspace'
> > /usr/lib/mpich2/lib// undefined reference to `MPL_env2range'
> > /usr/lib/mpich2/lib// undefined reference to `MPL_trcalloc'
> > /usr/lib/mpich2/lib// undefined reference to `MPL_env2int'
> > /usr/lib/mpich2/lib// undefined reference to `MPL_trdump'
> > /usr/lib/mpich2/lib// undefined reference to `MPL_env2bool'
> > /usr/lib/mpich2/lib// undefined reference to `MPL_trstrdup'
> > /usr/lib/mpich2/lib// undefined reference to `MPL_trrealloc'
> > /usr/lib/mpich2/lib// undefined reference to `MPL_TrSetMaxMem'
> > /usr/lib/mpich2/lib// undefined reference to `MPL_trinit'
> > /usr/lib/mpich2/lib// undefined reference to `MPL_trDebugLevel'
> > /usr/lib/mpich2/lib// undefined reference to `MPL_trid'
> >
> > All of these symbols seem to be in, so linking
> > with would fix this problem.
> >
> > You can see the error in at the end of the package build:
> >
> > dh_shlibdeps -plibmpich2-3
> >     dpkg-shlibdeps -Tdebian/libmpich2-3.substvars 
> > debian/libmpich2-3/usr/lib/ 
> > debian/libmpich2-3/usr/lib/ 
> > debian/libmpich2-3/usr/lib/ 
> > debian/libmpich2-3/usr/lib/ 
> > debian/libmpich2-3/usr/lib/ 
> > debian/libmpich2-3/usr/lib/
> > dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol __cxa_pure_virtual used by 
> > debian/libmpich2-3/usr/lib/ found in none of the 
> > libraries.
> > [and 9 more missing symbols]
> > dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol MPL_trdump used by 
> > debian/libmpich2-3/usr/lib/ found in none of the libraries.
> > dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol MPL_TrSetMaxMem used by 
> > debian/libmpich2-3/usr/lib/ found in none of the libraries.
> > dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol MPL_putenv used by 
> > debian/libmpich2-3/usr/lib/ found in none of the libraries.
> > dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol MPL_env2range used by 
> > debian/libmpich2-3/usr/lib/ found in none of the libraries.
> > dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol MPL_trrealloc used by 
> > debian/libmpich2-3/usr/lib/ found in none of the libraries.
> > dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol MPL_trlevel used by 
> > debian/libmpich2-3/usr/lib/ found in none of the libraries.
> > dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol MPL_trDebugLevel used by 
> > debian/libmpich2-3/usr/lib/ found in none of the libraries.
> > dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol MPL_trinit used by 
> > debian/libmpich2-3/usr/lib/ found in none of the libraries.
> > dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol MPL_trcalloc used by 
> > debian/libmpich2-3/usr/lib/ found in none of the libraries.
> > dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol MPL_trfree used by 
> > debian/libmpich2-3/usr/lib/ found in none of the libraries.
> > dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: 8 other similar warnings have been skipped (use -v 
> > to see them all).
> >
> > It's interesting that this works fine on other platforms, that it either
> > ignores or manages to find libmpl...  But in general, it's best to link
> > to all of the libraries whose symbols you use, I'm pretty sure it's also
> > a requirement of binutils-gold.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Adam
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