Package: texlive-latex-extra
Version: 2009-10
Severity: normal


texlive-latex-extra includes sagetex.sty, which is part of SageTeX [1].
Unfortunately, it needs to be synchronized with a Python module included
with Sage [2], and the version of sagetex.sty included in
texlive-latex-extra does not work with current versions of Sage.

Since Sage is not available as a Debian package, it would be best to
simply remove sagetex.sty from texlive-latex-extra (as well as all the
sagetex/ directories in texlive-latex-extra-doc, although those don't
directly cause any problems).

As it stands, the Sage mailing lists get support requests about this
problem every few weeks or so; removing these files would make things
easier for us, and since SageTeX is distributed with Sage, it would not
inconvenience any Debian users.

(Sorry, no system info, as I use Ubuntu -- and don't have the texlive
packages installed anyway, because of this bug!)

Thank you,

Dan Drake


---  Dan Drake

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