Starting with auctex Debian version 11.86-9, AUCTeX recommends
  xpdf | evince | evince-gtk
instead of
  xpdf | pdf-viewer
and by default makes use of Evince if installed, falling back to xpdf

Rationale: upstream release 11.86 supports Evince and xpdf as pdf
viewers (next upstream release will add Okular support), choosing Evince
by default; the Debian package recommends xpdf first because of its
lower footprint.

While gv, and zathura would be fine PDF viewers, there is no
explicit upstream support for them (think about TeX-Source-Correlate
mode), therefore the maintainer believes that users wishing to make use
of them should manually customize TeX-view-predicate-list and
TeX-view-program selection, possibly contributing their customization
upstream afterwards.

I will close this bug after catering for a proper error message if the
user issues a View command while in PDF mode without any PDF viewer
installed.  I confirm severity normal rather than minor because of this.

Ciao, Davide

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