found 523882 1.8.3p1-3

On 2012-01-25 09:44:22 +0100, Jan Braun wrote:
> fixed 392321 1.8.3p1-2
> fixed 523882 1.8.3p1-2
> thanks
> Hi,
> both these bugs have been fixed in the meantime.

I doubt that 523882 has been fixed. It is still present in the
latest sudo version. The man pages have changed, and now this
is sudoers(5) that says:

     As a special case, if sudo's -i option (initial login) is specified,
     sudoers will initialize the environment regardless of the value of
     env_reset.  The DISPLAY, PATH and TERM variables remain unchanged;
     HOME, MAIL, SHELL, USER, and LOGNAME are set based on the target user.
     On Linux and AIX systems the contents of /etc/environment are also
     included.  All other environment variables are removed.

However, though my /etc/environment is an empty file, some other
variables are preserved. This includes LC_* variables, LS_COLORS,

# export LS_COLORS=blah
# sudo -i env | grep LS_

I wondered whether pam could have an influence, but I haven't seen
LS_COLORS listed in related files.

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