Hello there,

using a small tool I wrote a while back, it's possible to see that the
actuall differences are in the encoding of the last few bytes of

I've copied the decoding tool to http://youam.net/devel/rfc1952-dec

Attached is the difference of the decoded files from

As to why this happens: no idea (yet)

--- NEWS.amd64.dec	2012-02-07 12:19:19.649431283 +0100
+++ NEWS.armel.dec	2012-02-07 12:19:26.853554306 +0100
@@ -3689,13 +3689,12 @@
          - lookback len 3 distance 3386
          - literal code 65 ('e')
          - literal code 72 ('r')
-         - lookback len 5 distance 6517
+         - lookback len 5 distance 10888
          - eos
     - 0
     - 0
     - 0
-    - 0
   crc: f68d6c5a
   isize: 13696
 --- ''
--- ChangeLog.pre-2-2.amd64.dec	2012-02-07 12:17:54.787982067 +0100
+++ ChangeLog.pre-2-2.armel.dec	2012-02-07 12:18:02.960121626 +0100
@@ -11052,9 +11052,7 @@
          - literal code 63 ('c')
          - lookback len 12 distance 1661
          - lookback len 5 distance 3600
-         - literal code 2e ('.')
-         - literal code 0a
-         - literal code 0a
+         - lookback len 3 distance 162
          - eos
     - 0

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