Package: openjdk-6-jre
Version: 6b18-1.8.10-0+squeeze2

I tried to migrate a server from sun-java6 to openjdk-6 but I encountered an issue with Tomcat 6. The port 80 can't be opened through authbind, and the catalina log contains the message "SocketException: Cannot allocate memory".

The server is an OpenVZ container with 4GB RAM available, Tomcat is started with -Xmx1792M.

If authbind is disabled and Tomcat started on port 8080, everything is fine.

I got the same issue on two OpenVZ containers, one with the i386 architecture and the other in amd64.

Reverting to sun-java6 solved the issue.

Other users have also observed this issue, see this question on StackOverflow:

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