Asbjørn Eliassen wrote:

> Network manager polls the serial port for modems at regular
> intervals fills some buffer that hangs the device/driver The
> solution was to move or remove
> /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services/org.freedesktop.ModemManager.service
> and restart network manager.

Hm.  What version of modemmanager do you have installed?

> The bug might have been fixed upstream either in network manager, in
> the driver or both but I have no idea how to check it.

If you put back the service file (for example with "apt-get
--reinstall install modemmanager") then it should be possible to
experiment with various kernel versions from
<>.  I would be very interested in at least
the version numbers from any kernel versions you know exhibit or do
not exhibit this bug.

> The computer has been working for several weeks now without error.

Nice to hear.  This sounds like bad behavior on part of both the
driver and modemmanager.  Cc-ing the modemmanager maintainers in case
they have hints.


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