retitle 659688 LVM on LUKS won't boot if not all LVs are available initially
severity 659688 normal

Roland Mas, 2012-02-14 20:18:25 +0100 :

> Feel free to downgrade it; I only picked "critical" because the effects
> were the same as for #659235, but I agree my setup may be a bit more
> involved than usual.

  Let's downgrade.

>> Please remove --sysinit option from line 156 of
>> /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-top/cryptroot, update your
>> initramfs with 'update-initramfs -u' and see whether the problem
>> disappears.
>   It doesn't.  I still need to activate the LVs manually from the
> initramfs shell, with --partial.

  I just split my VG in two; the obelix_crypt volume that's not
available initially is no longer part of the big VG, which means that
the VG is fully available and requires no --partial.  The system is back
to booting normally.

  I did a casual diff between 2:1.3.0-3.1 and 2:1.4.1-2 and found
nothing obviously relevant to LVM partial stuff.  I suppose the change
occurred in the way the device dependencies are calculated, around lines
150-160 of cryptroot-hook.

Roland Mas

When I eat a biscuit, it stays eaten!
  -- Arthur Dent, in So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish (Douglas Adams)

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