retitle 616131 ITA: lsb -- Linux Standard Base 4.0 support package
owner 616131 !

Hi all,

(tl;dr Git repository with actual state is available, please help :->)

I just noticed the worrying state of the LSB package in Debian:

  * Still in version 3.2 (released in January 2008) while 4.1 is out
    since a year (coincidently today);
  * RFA'd - #616131;
  * "behind" Ubuntu since at least Karmic (9.10) which already had 4.0.

I would like to get the LSB package up to date before Wheezy's freeze,
planned for June.

For now, I just filled a Git repository [0] with all past Debian (at
least those available on and Ubuntu releases (on
the master-ubuntu branch). I think I mostly got authors and dates
straight, but it was not fun.

Now my intentions (despite limited available time) are:

1) put it under explicit team maintenance;
        Maintainer: ? [1]
        Uploaders: Myself + Chris ?
2) push the repository to collab-maint;
3) merge most of the current lsb (4.0) Ubuntu package into it,
   including dpkg-vendor magic to have both distros handled.
4) if needed, update it to 4.1;
5) upload a new version to experimental as soon as possible;
6) triage and if possible address all Debian bugs;
7) update the packaging to modern practices (short dh, etc)

So, is anybody willing to join the fun ?

Steve, Colin, Matthias: as the 3 last persons that uploaded the Ubuntu
lsb package: would you be interested in merging the effort and (once
done) try maintaining it in Debian first ?



[1] Given the current traffic of that list, putting that list as
maintainer should not generate a too low SNR IMHO.

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