On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 06:33:19PM +1100, Marcus Furlong wrote:
> If rpm support would be acceptable, I'd be happy to re-work the above
> patch so that it checks for the existence of "dpkg-query" and/or "rpm"
> and proceeds accordingly.

I'm open to supporting rpm in checkrestart but to do so it would be best to
separate the dpkg and rpm calls into different functions and call one (or the
other) based not on the existance of the dpkg-query or rpm binaries
themselves (you can install the rpm software in Debian) but on wether you are
running in an rpm or deb-based distribution.

Since that differentiation might not be easy maybe it's better to just have
the "use rpm" option available as a command line switch and have two
different code paths:

- No command line: go ahead using dpkg-query

- Command line option enabled: use rpm instead

Either case, it should check if the program it is going to run exists
*before* using it (it currently does not do this for dpkg-query) and
warn+abort otherwise (maybe with a suggestion to add/remove the option if the
*other* package manage is found on the system checkrestart is running).

Anyway, feel free to send a new patch to the BTS. I will try to consider
it and include it in the next package release.



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