
I had to remove jadetex to continue upgrading my machine, and it was in fact purged. After reinstalling the problem still arise.

On another machine having texlive-full and jadetex too i could not reproduce. I'm still trying to find a real different besides the architecture (i386 in this case).

Quoting Hilmar Preusse <>:

I guess you can reproduce the problem by running "fmtutil-sys --byfmt
jadetex" as root, right?


I see a lot of sty files from hyperref in /usr/local/share/texmf,
which are read by initex when generating the format file for jadetex.
Could you (temporarily) hide them by renaming the texmf tree and
rerun mktexlsr?

You were right, my local extensions were at fault (and not present on the other machine). The message was not that clear, and honestly i would not have expected difficulties when upgrading to a new Debian revision.

As this bug will not appear on a pure Debian installation you may well close this bug. Nevertheless avoiding such breakage when there is no new upstream release would be much better if possible. Tell me if you want to investigate more on the subject.


Marc Dequènes (Duck)

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