On Tue, 27 Sep 2005, Eugeniy Meshcheryakov wrote:

> 27 вересня 2005 о 18:36 +0200 Tomasz Kłoczko написав(-ла):
> > Eugeniy this is incorrect way .. better will be use IUTF8 atribute 
> I know that it is incorrect, i sent this patch only as demonstration of
> the problem.
> > from tty level description. Example from my system:
> > 
> > $ stty -a | grep utf
> > -iuclc ixany imaxbel -iutf8
> > 
> Not in Debian.
> $ stty -a | grep utf8
> $

So probably will be good add for Debian coreutils patch for allow 
display/set/unset IUTF8 bit.

> > Why this is better ? Because termios is more generic and using 
> > nl_langinfo() requires LOCALE database in system which does not exist 
> > usualy in embeded systems (because it is very huge and full i18n support 
> > isn't neccessary on this kind instalations).
> > Also reading current LOCALE settings it not the same as reading terminal
> > capabilities (IIRC setlocale() also changes tty atributes .. if not this 
> > is next thing for fix :).
> no, setlocale do not change tty attributes and it must not.

If someone want use UFT-8 encoding and console works in diffrent way if 
UF-8 is used so probably will be good add enable IUTF8 bit in setlocale().

> > By default linux console device have UTF-8 support enabled. Also current 
> Wrong, it does not.

Yes. You are right (incorrect interpretation stty output). Sorry.

> > glibc provides IUTF8 bit mask for reading this atribute (look at 
> > <bits/termios.h>) .. so all around is ready. Only IUTF8 atribute must be 
> Yes it provides it but it is not documented.
> > correctly readed and used .. nothing more. Of cource also it will be good 
> As I wrote it does not set by default. Be it set we'll haven't this
> problem.
> > if stty comand will correctly report IUTF8 :) (I don't know is attached 
> > patch which bases on SuSE patch is used in Debian coreutils).
> > 
> Anyway this is more general problem but not shadow bug (it is about UTF8
> support, not about umlauts), so probably nothing should be done in
> shadow. But some program should set that flag *before* login run and
> *all* terminal emulators should set this flag when run in UTF-8 locale
> :( 

Probably good candidat will be getty for enable IUTF8 bit.

Also I'm check xterm. For me something is wrong because stty on xterm 
allways report IUTF8 is set (never mind is -u8 or +u8 options is used).

*Ludzie nie mają problemów, tylko sobie sami je stwarzają*
Tomasz Kłoczko, sys adm @zie.pg.gda.pl|*e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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