Hi Russ, Raphael, Marc and dear Lintian maintainers,

Le 22.02.2009 05:46, Russ Allbery a écrit :
> Raphael Geissert <atom...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Now that lenny is out even oldstable (i.e. etch) has an lsb-base > 3.0-6
>> Am I right to assume that this bug should therefor be closed?
> No, the problem isn't the version of lsb-base, it's that lsb-base isn't
> essential and hence can't be assumed to be present without a dependency.
> The solution is probably to make it essential, since it already is
> pseudo-essential, but I was holding the bug open until that actually
> happens.  Right now, you technically have to have the dependency.

I think we basically have two options:

a) keep lsb-base non-essential; hence add a lintian warning checking
that a dependency on lsb-base is present if any of the functions
provided by /lib/lsb/init-functions is used (that or checking for the ".
/lib/lsb/init-functions" line in the init scripts).

        (Then, mass-file bugs based on the lintian warning [+ manual
         check] to ensure that all packages using the functions have
         the dependency.)

b) Mark lsb-base essential; add a lintian warning against all packages
depending on lsb-base.

        (Then, mass-file bugs based on the lintian warning [+ manual
         check] to ensure that no package has a dependency on lsb-base.)

Now, note that there is a bug currently opened against lsb-base
(#403120) to have it marked essential (proposing to go the b) route).
For now, given that I just recently adopted the lsb source package, I
don't want to push for this change, hence marked this bug as wontfix,
but I am open to discussion.

Finally, I think option a), while creating some more work, is the most
safe and future-prone solution (mostly by keeping the essential set as
minimum as possible).



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