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hi root :)

On Fri, Mar 04, 2005 at 02:46:58PM -0300, root wrote:
> The update process described in the docs use the /install directory of
> the cacti installation. The install fails while including 
> ../include/config.php (located at /usr/share/cacti/site/include/config.php) 
> on the filesystem. The failure occurs on the ereg_replace() function on lines 
> 40 and 41, php exiting with an error on mb_ereg_replace() (premature ending 
> of regular expression).
> The error can be fixed changing the value of "mbstring.func_overload"
> from 7 to 0 on the php.ini.
> That setting makes php use mb_ereg_replace() to handle ereg_replace()
> calls. mb_ereg_replace() is a multibyte ereg_replace(). The
> mbstring.func_overload setting overloads all functions with mb_*
> similars.

this sounds like some kind of locale-specific problem, i definitely
didn't have that on my test systems.

> Changing this setting can break compatibility with php scripts that uses
> multibyte encodings. Cacti should be prepared to use either function.
> Changing the setting from 7 to 0 makes php use the normal functions and
> the update process occurs without further problems.
> Maybe that problem occurs only on different locales. The current locale
> of the machine where the error ocurred is "pt_BR.ISO-8859-1".

hmm... so if we change this to match your settings, it might break
things for others?

can you please do the following and let me know if it also works?

- set the php.ini back to its default value
- put the following in /etc/cacti/apache.conf:

        php_value mbstring.func_overload 7

if it won't break things for other users, i'll put it in the default
conf file.  if it will break things, i will comment it out with a
mention of your problem, and put something in README.Debian as well.

thanks for your help with this,

ps - i'm now uploading cacti to unstable, you should be able to pull
     it from there.


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