
I've tested the stuff a little bit. With this options:
[automap 1]
[remember 1]
[portscan 1]
[trim 1]
[queso 1]
[revdns 1]
[addroutes 0]
[useicmp 0]
[visible 1]
[release 1]
[xterm xterm]
[savehosts 0]
[saveconnects 0]
[savealiases 0]
[needlogfile 1]
[sendemail 0]
[ctimeout 30]
[iretry 0]
[gotofailure 1]
[verbose 0]
[usesnmp 1]
[snmpverbose 0]
[logfile /root/.cheops/eventlog]
[email root]

With no firewall at all (iptables -nL doesn't show any rules) i can
detect the machines on my network (internal), when enabling firewall the
router disappears.

When adding/detecting i don't get unexpected results, so i can't
reproduce this any further.

When starting the program i get the following warning/error:
Error loading plugin '/usr/lib/cheops/plugins/smtp-monitor.so':
/usr/lib/cheops/plugins/smtp-monitor.so: symbol errno, version GLIBC_2.0
not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference


Upstreams seems dead probably we need to remove this package.


Matthijs Mohlmann

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