> I'm not really clear what you're asking.  If you're using debian's
> 2.6.8, you can install the binary modules from the archive; if you're
> using another kernel, you'll need to install ndiswrapper-source, compile
> it (it will create binary modules if you use module-assistant or
> kernel-package), and install that alongside with ndiswrapper-utils.

I compiled a custom 2.6.11 kernel ('the debian way') and several
modules, one of them is provided by 'ndiswrapper-source'. I installed
the produced .deb packages (kernel-image-2.6.11_custom.1.2_i386.deb,
ndiswrapper-modules-2.6.11_0.12+1.0rc2-1+custom.1.2_i386.deb, etc).
Everything works fine.

I was expecting to do do the same thing with this new release, and I
wonder why I have to install the binary module
'ndiswrapper-modules-xxx' if I compile my own.

I hope this is clearer.

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