severity 426949 normal


I've just found out a workaround to avoid killing the iconified window.

When the iconified window is "locked" in the fbpanel taskbar and there
seems to be no way to get it back, well, the way is using fluxbox menu:

* click on the desktop with the right mouse button
* from fluxbox menu, select  Workspaces -> Icons -> MYLOCKEDWINDOW
  (where MYLOCKEDWINDOW is obviously the name of the iconified window
  to be rescued)
* done! the window that seemed to be lost is raised again!

In light of this way out, no data loss due to this bug seems
As a consequence, I think the severity of this bug can be considered
"normal", even though I still hope it will be fixed RSN...  ;-)

 Need to read a Debian testing installation walk-through?
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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