severity 426503 normal
This one time, at band camp, Tim Van Holder said:
> This past weekend, freshclam seems to have had serious issues contacting
> the db mirrors. This would not be a big deal in and of itself, but it
> seems to have caused a more serious situation to occur.
> On Sunday morning, the clam daemon exit with a fatal error:
> Sun May 27 08:18:30 2007 -> SelfCheck: Database modification detected. 
> Forcing reload.
> Sun May 27 08:18:30 2007 -> Reading databases from /var/lib/clamav
> Sun May 27 08:20:40 2007 -> ERROR: reload db failed: Unable to lock database 
> directory (try 1)
> Sun May 27 08:22:50 2007 -> ERROR: reload db failed: Unable to lock database 
> directory (try 2)
> Sun May 27 08:25:00 2007 -> ERROR: reload db failed: Unable to lock database 
> directory (try 3)
> Sun May 27 08:25:00 2007 -> ERROR: reload db failed: Unable to lock database 
> directory
> Sun May 27 08:25:00 2007 -> Terminating because of a fatal error.
> Sun May 27 08:25:00 2007 -> Socket file removed.
> Sun May 27 08:25:00 2007 -> ERROR: Can't unlink the pid file 
> /var/run/clamav/
> So it seems to me that freshclam had the database locked for updating
> (for a long time due to the db server connectivity issues), causing the
> daemon to terminate (and by default there is no cronjob/inittab entry
> to restart it when it fails).
> As a result the mail queue this morning had over 14000 messages (where
> we normally hover around 3000, most of which are failing attempts at
> sending bounce notices for spam that didn't score high enough to be
> discarded).

I'm not all that interested in a severity war, but as this is clearly a
design decision by upstream, and not a bug, I am downgrading the
severity of the report.  I agree it's a problem, and I'm looking at it,
but as it is a 'feature', I'm not going to keep other fixes out of
testing because of this.

Take care,
|   ,''`.                                            Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  `. `'                        Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-                            |

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