tags 278675 + patch
tags  84368 + patch
tags 306924 + patch

Hello, I know debget is not in testing and is supposed to be removed
soon, anyway, the patch here will fix all of those RC bugs against it.

If that can help...

                                  Alexis Sukrieh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

« Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur. » 
Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound.
--- /usr/bin/debget     2005-05-06 16:26:11.038703952 +0200
+++ debget      2005-05-06 17:17:45.119332200 +0200
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
 # Getopt::Long has some really awful defaults.  This function loads it
 # then configures it to use more sane settings.
-sub getopt;
+sub getopt(@);
 sub configure_getopt {
     *getopt = \&Getopt::Long::GetOptions;
@@ -302,21 +302,37 @@
 # (source/binary) for the given DISTRIBUTION, SECTION1 and SECTION2.
 sub file_dir {
-    my ($type, $dist, $sec1, $sec2) = @_;
+    my ($type, $dist, $sec1, $sec2, $package) = @_;
+    # first generate the prefix
+    my $initial = $package;
+    $initial =~ s/^(.).*$/$1/ if $package !~ /^lib/;
+    $initial =~ s/^(.{4}).*$/$1/ if $package =~ /^lib/;
     $sec2 = "/$sec2" if $sec2 ne '';
+    my $prefix = "";
+    # experimental is the simple case
     if ($dist eq 'experimental') {
        return 'project/experimental';
-    if ($type eq 'source') {
-       return "dists/$dist/$sec1/source$sec2";
+    # for unstable and testing, look to the pool
+    #   debian/pool/$section/$initial/$sourcepackage/
+    elsif ($dist eq 'testing' or $dist eq 'unstable') {
+       $prefix = "pool/$sec1/$initial";
+       return "$prefix/$package";
+    # Here, we manage the "stable" stuff
+    $prefix = "dists/$dist/$sec1";
     if ($type eq 'binary') {
        my $arch = arch;
-       return "dists/$dist/$sec1/binary-$arch$sec2";
+       return "$prefix/binary-$arch$sec2";
+    }
+    elsif ($type eq 'source') {
+       return "$prefix/source$sec2";
     xdie "invalid type `$type'";
@@ -507,13 +523,13 @@
        my ($s1, $s2, $p) = package_section package_source($package),
        push @ret, [host_dir($s1),
-                   file_dir('source', $O{'dist'}, $s1, $s2),
+                   file_dir('source', $O{'dist'}, $s1, $s2, $package),
     if ($O{'binary'}) {
        my $arch = arch;
        push @ret, [host_dir($sec1),
-                   file_dir('binary', $O{'dist'}, $sec1, $sec2),
+                   file_dir('binary', $O{'dist'}, $sec1, $sec2, $package),
     return @ret;

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