
"Robert Freund" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Claudius 'x2017' Hubig wrote:
>> it happens regulary and reproducible while my system
>> passes 18h memtest86+-testing
>How exactly is the 18h memory test related to this? How can you run
>metacity while running memtest86+? Memtest86+ is some kind of boot
>image which has to be run at boot time, isn't it? 
>Or maybe you are running memtester? In that case, does the bug *only*
>occur after having run memtester for 18h or more? This would explain
>why nobody could reproduce the bug.

You probably misunderstood me. I wanted to say that this happens
regulary but the system is still able to run memtest86+ without
producing any errors for more than 18 hours, what might be a sign
that there's no problem with the RAM or whatever. Of course,
memtest86+ is not run at the same time as Metacity is run, but on the
same system.


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