Hello Florian,

Am Freitag, 3. August 2007 22:25:43 schrieben Sie:
> This version has got a dependency on python-apt, and if this package
> is installed (and the Python module it provides can be imported),
> debsecan can handle ~ version numbers.  (If python-apt can be
> installed without properly working, it's likely that its dependencies
> are broken.)
Now that you mention it, python-apt was indeed broken on my system due to bug 
#435799. This way the local fallback Version code got activated.

> This may be the case, but according to my testing, this is not the
> algorithm used by APT.  For instance, your patch causes 1.0 to sort
> before 1.0-~0, but the other way round is correct as far as APT is
> concerned.
Yes, the patch is not tested very well. I did only some tests with tilde in 
the upstream version, not in the debian revision number.

> This is not your fault.  The Version class was implemented based on
> the description in the Policy, and the algorithm described there does
> not match what APT and dpkg actually do.
The patch is definitely not perfect. Since you already depend on python-apt 
why not remove the local Version code alltogether and let python-apt do all 
the dirty work? It would save some duplicated code.


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