reassing 443375 console-tools

Hi Christian,

Thanks for issuing this bug report, and for all the additional
debugging (you did my homework!).  ;)

Christian Gogolin wrote:
> I was able to track down the error to a single line of code used by
> the program "chvt".

Good, it is great to find the reason for such strange behaviour.

> The Problem is the call
> ioctl(fd,VT_ACTIVATE,num)
> that uses the VT interface to switch consoles.
> I would suggest to close this bug report, I am going to open a more
> specific one.

You simply do not need to. The package base is a placeholder for all
these bug reports that we don't know where they belong yet. Usually what
we do is find the package that has this bug and then reassing it to it.

I am very happy to do this for you now, there is no further action you
need to take, except for working with the console-tools maintainer in
fixing this bug :)

Happy hacking!

  ยท''`.             If I can't dance to it, it's not my revolution
 : :' :                                            -- Emma Goldman
 `. `'           Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (unstable)

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