
Le mardi 16 octobre 2007 à 08:08 +0200, Lionel Elie Mamane a écrit :
> On Mon, Oct 15, 2007 at 11:10:30PM +0200, Josselin Mouette wrote:
> > Le lundi 15 octobre 2007 ? 13:23 -0700, Cameron Dale a ?crit :
> >> On 10/15/07, Lionel Elie Mamane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> /var/log/aptitude.1.gz:[UPGRADE] bittornado 0.3.18-3 -> 0.3.18-4
> > I take it that bittornado worked before this upgrade.
> Yes. The previous bittornado upgrade was in May and I'm sure I used it
> since then :) It is possible, though, that a previous upgrade of
> python-support or python2.x broke it; I don't use bittornado often.
> > Could you send the corresponding /var/log/dpkg.log? I'm interested
> > to know whether other things were updated in the same run, and in
> > which order.
> Among others, python-support.

Wow, from your dpkg.log I can gather at least 3 issues.

2007-10-09 10:38:41 upgrade python-support 0.6.4 0.7.4
2007-10-09 10:38:41 status half-configured python-support 0.6.4
2007-10-09 10:38:41 status unpacked python-support 0.6.4
2007-10-09 10:38:41 status half-installed python-support 0.6.4
2007-10-09 10:38:42 status half-installed python-support 0.6.4
2007-10-09 10:38:42 status unpacked python-support 0.7.4
2007-10-09 10:38:42 status unpacked python-support 0.7.4
2007-10-09 10:45:25 upgrade bittornado-gui 0.3.18-3 0.3.18-4
2007-10-09 10:45:25 status half-configured bittornado-gui 0.3.18-3
2007-10-09 10:45:26 status unpacked bittornado-gui 0.3.18-3
2007-10-09 10:45:26 status half-installed bittornado-gui 0.3.18-3
2007-10-09 10:45:26 status half-installed bittornado-gui 0.3.18-3
2007-10-09 10:45:26 status unpacked bittornado-gui 0.3.18-4
2007-10-09 10:45:26 status unpacked bittornado-gui 0.3.18-4
2007-10-09 10:45:26 upgrade bittornado 0.3.18-3 0.3.18-4
2007-10-09 10:45:26 status half-configured bittornado 0.3.18-3
2007-10-09 10:45:28 status installed bittornado 0.3.18-3
2007-10-09 10:54:58 status unpacked python-support 0.7.4
2007-10-09 10:54:58 status half-configured python-support 0.7.4
2007-10-09 10:54:58 status installed python-support 0.7.4

First of all, bittornado failed to upgrade. I think this was either
caused by a prerm failure or an unpack failure, leading in the end to
have only bittornado 0.3.18-3 installed. So there's probably a bug in
bittornado. It would be nice if you could tell us how 

Secondly, when an upgrade fails, the old postinst is executed with the
"abort-upgrade" option. In this case, it seems a convention in debhelper
snippets not to do anything. *This is definitely a bug* for several of
them, including dh_pysupport. I will fix python-support for that issue
and report another bug against debhelper.

Thirdly, I notice that the postinst was executed before python-support
was considered installed. This is harmless as it should work when only
unpacked, but as bittornado has a Depends: on python-support, this looks
like a bug in dpkg.

Cheer up, four bugs in one :)
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