On Tue, Oct 16, 2007, Frank Küster wrote:

> Please don't do it that way.  Both because it's a bad idea and because
> we intend to file bugs about this soon (read: as soon as one among the
> TeX team has some free time, which might well be next year).
> It's a bad idea because the texlive metapackage is a package targetted
> at users who write documents, not at build-deps. It's a package which is
> supposed to pull in what a novice/standard/whatever TeX user probably
> wants. But we're not yet there, so we might still have to make some
> changes: Add this package, drop that other one.
> Consequently, at least at the moment, the texlive metapackage is a
> moving target with respect to "I need this particular font". You are
> risking that your package FTBFS once we find out that most people won't
> need that font package (or should not use it because it's obsolete).
> Better check which individual package is needed.

   Okay, you make perfect sense. Can you suggest a strategy that lets
me know the required font? Of course I can test packages one after the
other but I'd like to understand what's going on if possible.


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