The problem can be fixed with the help of Busybox, the old libc6/locales .deb 
package, unp and a ftp client (or wget).
You first get busybox onto the machine, use the binary from busybox-static 
Then "./busybox sh" in the path where busybox is.
I assume that you unpacked the .debs with unp already...if not, unpack 'em on 
another machine and transfer the content of data.tar.gz (recursive!!) with ftp 
to your broken server.
I use /tmp/dpkgs/usr/,/tmp/dpkgs/lib etc. for this walkthrough, just change if 
you have different paths.
Then, in busybox sh, "cp -R /tmp/dpkgs/* /"
Then, you need the .debs for libc6, libc6-i686 and locales.
In Busybox sh, "dpkg -i libc6....deb libc6-i686...deb locales....deb".
Then you should be OK again.


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