Kenshi Muto wrote:

> I'm trying to reproduce bug you reported, but I couldn't
> succeed (xlock dies) it.

Strange.  Also on PPC?

> Could you show us your fvwm configuration?

Yes.  The complet configuration file is attached.  I am
pretty sure the critical lines are:

Style "Gaim" StartsOnPage 0 1
Style "Gaim" KeepWindowGroups

> Because I couldn't understand what's mean "I have set up
> my FVWM so windows related to Gaim always are put on the
> same virtual desktop.".

That formulation may also have been a bit unclear.

> This looks be very rare case and I doubt it's RC.

I agree completely that it seems to be a very rare case, but
unfortunatly it is still a security hole.  Is there an
administrative way of making the bug non-RC without ignoring
that it is a security hole?

»Vi får ikke andet skæg end det vi selv kan finde på.«
# Trying to compile an old .fvwrc to the  new fvwm-2.0 Format
# Unfortunately, order does matter in this file
# The correct order for inserting configurations is:
# 1. Colors
# 2. Assorted configuration paramters such as ClickToFocus, or MWMBorders
# 3. Path setup (ModulePath, PixmapPath, IconPath)
# 4. Style settings, including the default style Style "*" ...
# 5. InitFunction and ResetFunction definitions.
# 6. Other Functions. Functions cannot be forward referenced from
#       other functions, but they can be backward referenced.
# 7. Menus definitions. Same caveats about forward referencing
# 8. Key and Mouse Bindings.
# 9. Module options.

# The order of steps 5, 6, and 7 is not critical, as long as there are
# no forward references to functions or menus.

# If you get it wrong, the most common problem is that color or font settings
# are ignored

# Colours

# All windows:

Style "*" ForeColor #a00000
Style "*" BackColor #ffffc0

# Selected window:

#Set the foreground and background color for selected windows
HilightColor   #ffffc0 #a00000

#PagerBackColor         #5c54c0
#PagerForeColor         orchid

Style "Black" Sticky
Style "#60c0a0" Sticky

# Menus:

#!MenuForeColor           #ffffc0 (new command=MenuStyle)
#!MenuBackColor           #a00000 (new command=MenuStyle)
#!MenuStippleColor        #ffc0c0 (new command=MenuStyle)

DefaultColors "#a00000" "#ffffc0"

# Now the fonts - one for menus, another for window titles, another for icons
#Font                   -*-courier-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
#Font                   -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
#!Font                  -*-times-medium-i-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* (new 
WindowFont              -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
#IconFont               -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-11-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
IconFont                fixed

# Set up the major operating modes
########################      FOCUS STUFF     ##############################
# Set windows to auto-raise after 750 milliseconds if you like it.
# Autoraise can sometimes obscure pop-up windows. Performance is now
# similar to olvwm's auto-raise feature.
#AutoRaise 750

# Normally, we'll be in focus-follows mouse mode, but uncomment this
# for mwm-style click-to-focus
Style "*" SloppyFocus

########################      ICON STUFF     ##############################
# Auto Place Icons is a nice feature....
# This creates two icon boxes, one on the left side, then one on the
# bottom. Leaves room in the upper left for my clock and xbiff,
# room on the bottom for the Pager.
#IconBox -150 90 -5 -140
#IconBox 5 -140 -140 -5
Style "*" IconBox -70 1 -1 -140

# If you uncomment this, and make sure that the WindowList is bound to
# something, it works pretty much like an icon manager.

# StubbornIcons makes icons de-iconify into their original position on the
# desktop, instead of on the current page.

# With AutoPlacement, icons will normally place themselves underneath active
# windows. This option changes that.

# If you want ALL you icons to follow you around the desktop (Sticky), try
# this

########################      MWM EMULATION     #######################
# My feeling is that everyone should use MWMDecorHints and MWMFunctionHints,
# since some applications depend on having the window manager respect them

# MWMFunction hints parses the function information in the MOTIF_WM_HINTS
# property, and prohibits use of these functions on the window. Appropriate
# portions of the window decorations are removed.
Style "*" MWMFunctions

# MWM is kinda picky about what can be done to transients, and it was keeping
# me from iconifying some windows that I like to iconify, so here's an
# over-ride that will allow me to do the operation, even tough the menu
# item is shaded out.
Style "*" HintOverride

# MWMDecor hints parses the decoration information in the MOTIF_WM_HINTS
# property, and removes these decoratons from the window. This does not affect
# the functions that can be performed via the menus.
Style "*" MWMDecor

# These are affect minor aspects for the look-and-feel.
# Sub-menus placement mwm-style?
# MWMMenus
# mwm-style border reliefs (less deep than default fvwm) ?
# MWMBorders
# Maximize button does mwm-inversion thingy
# MWMButtons
########################      MISCELLANEOUS STUFF     #######################
# If you don't like the default 150 msec click delay for the complex functions
# change this and uncomment it.
#ClickTime 150

# OpaqueMove has a number (N) attached to it (default 5).
# if the window occupies less than N% of the screen,
# then opaque move is used. 0 <= N <= 100
# OpaqueMove 100

# flip by whole pages on the edge of the screen.
EdgeScroll 100 100

# A modest delay before flipping pages seems to be nice...
# I thresh in a 50 pixel Move-resistance too, just so people
# can try it out.
# EdgeResistance 250 50
EdgeResistance 250 0

########################      WINDOW PLACEMENT     #######################
# RandomPlacement prevents user interaction while placing windows:
Style "*" RandomPlacement

# SmartPlacement makes new windows pop-up in blank regions of screen
# if possible, or falls back to random or interactive placement.
Style "*" SmartPlacement

# With SmartPlacement, windows will normally place themselves over icons.
# Uncomment this to change that.

# NoPPosition instructs fvwm to ignore the PPosition field in window
# geometry hints. Emacs annoyingly sets PPosition to (0,0)!
#Style "*" NoPPosition
Style "Emacs" NoPPosition

Style "Gaim" StartsOnPage 0 1
Style "Gaim" KeepWindowGroups

########################      DECORATIONS     #######################
# If you want decorated transient windows, uncomment this:

# Set up the virtual desktop and pager

#set the desk top size in units of physical screen size
DeskTopSize 3x2

# and the reduction scale used for the panner/pager
#!DeskTopScale 32 (new command=*FvwmPagerDeskTopScale <scale>)
*FvwmPagerDeskTopScale 32

# Dette vil gøre at Hold-knappen er trykket ned fra start.
#! PagingDefault 0 (use EdgeScroll 0 0)

# Module path and paths to the icons
# ModulePath is a colon-separated list, just like regular unix PATH
# ModulePath /home/cmplx/nordfalk/fvwm2
# PixmapPath /usr/include/X11/pixmaps/
ImagePath   /usr/include/X11/bitmaps/

# Set the decoration styles and window options
# Order is important!!!!
# If compatible styles are set for a single window in multiple Style
# commands, then the styles are ORed together. If conflicting styles
# are set, the last one specified is used.

# These commands should command before any menus or functions are defined,
# and before the internal pager is started.

# change the default width.
Style "*" BorderWidth 4, HandleWidth 4, Color #a00000/#ffffc0,Icon unknown1.xpm

Style "Fvwm*"      NoTitle, NoHandles, Sticky, WindowListSkip,BorderWidth 0
Style "Fvwm Pager" StaysOnTop
Style "FvwmPager"  StaysOnTop
Style "FvwmBanner" StaysOnTop
Style "FvwmFileMgr" Title, Handles, Icon folder2.xpm
# Make sure that these windows get icons.
Style "FvwmFileManagerWindow" NoTitle, NoHandles, Icon
Style "Garbage"    Title, Handles, Icon
#Style "GoodStuff"  NoTitle, StaysOnTop, NoHandles, Sticky, 
WindowListSkip,BorderWidth 0
Style "*lock"      NoTitle, NoHandles, Sticky, WindowListSkip
Style "xbiff"      NoTitle,            Sticky, WindowListSkip, Color 
Style "xconsole"                               WindowListSkip, Color 
Style "Maker"       StartsOnDesk 1
Style "matlab"      StartsOnDesk 3
Style "signal"      StartsOnDesk 3
Style "rxvt"        Icon  term.xpm
Style "xterm"       Icon xterm.xpm, Color #a00000/#ffffc0
Style "xterm-color" Icon xterm.xpm, Color #a00000/#ffffc0
Style "Appointment" Icon datebook.xpm, NoButton 2, NoButton 4
Style "xcalc"       Icon xcalc.xpm, NoButton 2
Style "xbiff"       Icon mail1.xpm, NoButton 2
Style "xmh"         Icon mail1.xpm, StartsOnDesk 2, NoButton 2
Style "xman"        Icon xman.xpm
Style "xvgr"        Icon graphs.xpm
Style "matlab"      Icon math4.xpm
Style "xmag"        Icon mag_glass.xpm
Style "xgraph"      Icon graphs.xpm
#Style "GoodStuff"  Icon toolbox.xpm

# Change the Maximize and iconify buttons to up and down triangles.



# Stuff to do at start-up

AddToFunc "InitFunction"
+ "I" Exec baggrund .baggrund een sort
+ "I" Function Vinduer_Munin_og_SSLUG
+ "I" Exec dagens_striber
+ "I" Exec xset m default
+ "I" Exec oclock  -geometry 100x100-0-0   -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -bd black
+ "I" Exec xterm   -geometry 80x5          -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -ls -sb 
-rw -aw -sl 256 +vb +mb -T "SSH key management" -e ssh-add ${HOME}/.ssh/identity
+ "I" Exec xterm   -geometry 80x5          -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -ls -sb 
-rw -aw -sl 256 +vb +mb -T "SSH key management" -e ssh-add 
+ "I" Exec xterm   -geometry 80x5          -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -ls -sb 
-rw -aw -sl 256 +vb +mb -T "SSH key management" -e ssh-add 
+ "I" Exec gaim

AddToFunc "RestartFunction"
+ "I" Exec baggrund .baggrund een sort

#--  Use "ALT"-"TAB" to go to next window:

AddToFunc "GoToNextWindow"
 + I Next (AcceptsFocus) Focus
 + I Current Raise


# Now define some handy complex functions

# This one moves and then raises the window if you drag the mouse,
# only raises the window if you click,  or does a RaiseLower if you double
# click
AddToFunc "Move-or-Raise" "M" Move
+              "M" Raise
+              "C" Raise
+              "D" RaiseLower

# This one maximizes vertically if you click (leaving room for the GoodStuff 
bar at the
# bottom, or does a full maximization if you double click, or a true full 
# maximization if you just hold the mouse button down.
AddToFunc "maximize_func" "M" Maximize 0 100
+              "C" Maximize 0 80
+              "D" Maximize 100 100

# This one moves and then lowers the window if you drag the mouse,
# only lowers the window if you click,  or does a RaiseLower if you double
# click
AddToFunc "Move-or-Lower" "M" Move
+              "M" Lower
+              "C" Lower
+              "D" RaiseLower

# Indsat af Jacob:
AddToFunc "Move-or-RaiseLower" "M" Move
+              "C" RaiseLower
+              "D" RaiseLower

# This one moves or (de)iconifies:
AddToFunc "Move-or-Iconify" "M" Move
+              "C" Iconify
+              "C" Raise

# This one resizes and then raises the window if you drag the mouse,
# only raises the window if you click,  or does a RaiseLower if you double
# click
AddToFunc "Resize-or-Raise" "M" Resize
+              "M" Raise
+              "C" Raise
+              "D" RaiseLower

# This is provided as a hint only.
# Move to a known page on the desktop, then start an application in a
# known location. Could also switch to a known desktop, I guess
#Function "abs_coord"
#       GoToPage "Immediate"    1,1
#       Exec    "Immediate"     exec xcalc -geometry +100+100&

#now define the menus - defer bindings until later

# Provides a list of modules to fire off
AddToMenu Moduler "Moduler" Title
+              "Vinduesliste" Module FvwmWinList
#       Module  "Kommandopanel"         GoodStuff
+              "Skrivebord" Module FvwmPager 0 3
#       Module  "Autom. oprydning"      FvwmClean
+              "Identificér" Module FvwmIdent
+              "Gem opsætning" Module FvwmSave
+              "(i" Nop
+              "Aflusning" Module FvwmDebug

# This defines the most common window operations
AddToMenu WindowOps "Vindue..." Title
+              "(Af)&Ikonificer Alt F1" Iconify
+              "(Af)Ma&ximer Alt F2" Maximize
+              "(Af)Maximer &Lodr" Maximize 0 100
+              "Hæv/sænk Alt F3" RaiseLower
#       Raise           "Hæv"
+              "&Flyt Alt F7" Function Move-or-Raise
+              "&Størrelse Alt F8" Function Resize-or-Raise
+              "Sæt fast/Aftag" Stick
+              "" Nop
+              "Dræb" Destroy
+              "Luk Alt F4" Close
+              "" Nop
+              "ScrollBar" Module FvwmScroll 2 2
+              "Gentegn alt" Refresh

# A trimmed down version of "Window Ops", good for binding to decorations
AddToMenu WindowOps2 "&Ikonificer Alt F1" Iconify
+              "(Af)Ma&ximer Alt F2" Maximize
+              "Hæv/sænk& Alt F3" RaiseLower
#       Raise           "Hæv"
+              "&Flyt Alt F7" Function Move-or-Raise
+              "&Størrelse Alt F8" Function Resize-or-Raise
+              "Sæt fast/Aftag Alt F9" Stick
+              "" Nop
+              "Luk Alt F4" Close



AddToMenu Logud
+ "Log ud"       Title
+ "Afslut fvwm2" Quit

AddToMenu Indstillinger
+ "Indstillinger" Title
# ""              Nop
#       Nop     ""
#       Exec    "Skift vindues-"        exec xterm -fg white -bg black -e 
#       Exec    "manager permanent"     exec xterm -fg white -bg black -e 
+ ""              Nop
+ "Start twm"     Restart twm
+ "Start mwm"     Restart mwm

AddToMenu Vinduesstyringsmenu
+ "Vinduesstyring" Popup Window Ops
# "Vinduesliste"   WindowList
+ "Moduler"        Popup Moduler

#--  Monteringspunkter:

AddToMenu Monteringspunkter
+ "Løse enheder"                Title
+ ""                            Nop
+ "Montér USB-pind &1"          Exec  mount /media/usb-pind-1 && xls 
+ "Afmontér USB-pind &1"        Exec umount /media/usb-pind-1 && xls 
+ "Montér USB-pind &2"          Exec  mount /media/usb-pind-2 && xls 
+ "Afmontér USB-pind &2"        Exec umount /media/usb-pind-2 && xls 
+ ""                                    Nop
+ "Montér iPod &1"              Exec  mount /media/ipod-1 && xls /media/ipod-1
+ "Afmontér iPod &1"            Exec umount /media/ipod-1 && xls /media/ipod-1
+ "Montér iPod &2"              Exec  mount /media/ipod-2 && xls /media/ipod-2
+ "Afmontér iPod &2"            Exec umount /media/ipod-2 && xls /media/ipod-2
+ ""                            Nop
+ "Montér &cd-rom"              Exec  mount /media/cdrom && xls /media/cdrom
+ "Afmontér &cd-rom"            Exec umount /media/cdrom && xls /media/cdrom

#--  Cdplay:

AddToMenu Cdplay
+ "CD-player"              Title
+ "&Start"                 Exec cdplay
+ "Sto&p"                  Exec cdplay stop
+ ""                       Nop
+ "&Lydstyrke"             Exec xterm          -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb +mb 
-bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -geometry 80x12 -T Lydstyrke -n Lydstyrke -e 
'LANGUAGE=da_DK aumix'
+ "&Vis"                   Exec gnome-cd
+ ""                       Nop
+ "Útvarp &Føroya"         Exec realplay
+ "DR P&1"                 Exec xterm          -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb +mb 
-bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000                 -T 'DR P1'     -n 'DR P1'     -e 
mplayer ''
+ "DR P&2"                 Exec xterm          -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb +mb 
-bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000                 -T 'DR P2'     -n 'DR P2'     -e 
mplayer ''
+ "DR P&3"                 Exec xterm          -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb +mb 
-bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000                 -T 'DR P3'     -n 'DR P3'     -e 
mplayer ''
# "DR P&1"                 Exec xterm          -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb +mb 
-bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000                 -T 'DR P1'     -n 'DR P1'     -e 
mplayer mms://
# "DR P&1"                 Exec xterm          -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb +mb 
-bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000                 -T DR P1     -n DR P1     -e P1

#--  Kalender:

AddToMenu Kalender
+ "Kalender"               Title
+ "&1 måned"               Exec xkalender 1
+ "&2 måneder"             Exec xkalender 2
+ "&3 måneder"             Exec xkalender 3
+ "&4 måneder"             Exec xkalender 4
+ "&5 måneder"             Exec xkalender 5
+ "&6 måneder"             Exec xkalender 6

#--  Dte-oversigt:

AddToMenu Dte
+ "Dte-oversigt"               Title
+ "&Dansk"                 Exec xdteoversigt da_DK
+ "&Føroyskt"              Exec xdteoversigt fo_FO

#--  Find ord:

AddToMenu Find_ord
+ "Find ord"                   Title
+ "&Dansk"                 Exec xfindord da_DK
+ "&Føroyskt"              Exec xfindord fo_FO

#--  Programmer:

AddToMenu Programmer
+ "Programmer"             Title
+ "&Emacs"                 Exec emacs                                          
-bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000
+ "&Ghostview"             Exec gv                                             
-bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000
+ "&Lynx"                  Exec xterm                   -ls +sb -rw -aw -sl 256 
+vb +mb -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -T lynx -n lynx -e lynx -useragent="Any 
Browser, HTML 4.01" -pseudo_inlines +image_links 
+ "&CD-afspiller"                       Popup Cdplay
+ "Montér og &afmonter løse enheder"    Popup Monteringspunkter
+ "&Kalender"              Popup Kalender
+ "&Dte-oversigt"          Popup Dte
+ "Find &ord"              Popup Find_ord
+ ""                       Nop
+ "Put dansk .&sig på klippebordet" Exec cat ${HOME}/.sig.da | xclip -in 
-selection clipboard
+ ""                       Nop
+ "&Rejseplanen"           Exec xterm          -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb +mb 
-bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -T Rejseplanen -e lynx -useragent="Any Browser, HTML 
4.01" -pseudo_inlines +image_links
+ "&Filmlisten"            Exec xterm          -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb +mb 
-bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -T Filmlisten -e lynx -useragent="Any Browser, HTML 
4.01" -pseudo_inlines +image_links 
+ "&Retskrivningsordbogen" Exec xterm          -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb +mb 
-bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -T Retskrivningsordbogen -e lynx -useragent="Any 
Browser, HTML 4.01" -pseudo_inlines +image_links 
+ ""                       Nop
+ "IC&Q"                   Exec gaim
+ "&IRC"                   Exec xterm          -ls +sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb +mb 
-bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -geometry 80x32+507+225 -T IRC -n IRC -e irssi -c -n sparre
+ "&Galeon"                Exec galeon
+ "&Mozilla"               Exec mozilla
+ "Mozilla &News"          Exec mozilla --news
+ ""                       Nop
+ "Opdatér &palmepadde"    Exec xterm          -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb +mb 
-bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -T 'Opdatér palmepadde' -e synkronisér_palmepadde
+ "Dagens &striber"        Exec dagens_striber

#--  Terminalvinduer:

AddToMenu Terminalvinduer
+ "Terminalvinduer"             Title
+ "&xterm"                      Exec xterm          -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb 
+mb -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000
+ ""                            Nop
+ "&charm"                      Exec xterm          -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb 
+mb -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -T alf             -e ssh
+ "&bottom"                     Exec xterm          -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb 
+mb -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -T alf             -e ssh
+ "&alf"                        Exec xterm          -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb 
+mb -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -T alf             -e ssh
+ "a&fs"                        Exec xterm          -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb 
+mb -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -T afs             -e ssh
+ "kaoslx0&5"                   Exec xterm          -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb 
+mb -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -T kaoslx05        -e ssh
+ "kaoslx0&6"                   Exec xterm          -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb 
+mb -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -T kaoslx06        -e ssh
+ "kaoslx0&7"                   Exec xterm          -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb 
+mb -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -T kaoslx07        -e ssh
+ ""                            Nop
+ "&munin"                      Exec xterm          -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb 
+mb -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -T munin           -e ssh
+ "p&u244"                      Exec xterm          -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb 
+mb -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -T pu244           -e ssh
+ "&sparre"                     Exec xterm          -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb 
+mb -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -T sparre          -e ssh
+ "&jacob"                      Exec xterm          -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb 
+mb -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -T sparre          -e ssh
+ "&hugin"                      Exec xterm          -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb 
+mb -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -T sparre          -e ssh
# ""                            Nop
# "&johansen"                   Exec xterm          -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb 
+mb -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -T johansen        -e ssh
+ ""                            Nop
+ "&"               Exec xterm          -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb 
+mb -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -T    -e ssh
+ "&"              Exec xterm          -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb 
+mb -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -T   -e ssh
+ "&"           Exec xterm          -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb 
+mb -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -T   -e ssh
+ ""                            Nop
+ "s&hannon"                    Exec xterm          -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb 
+mb -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -T -e ssh
+ "&"             Exec rdesktop -f -u sparre
+ ""                            Nop
+ "C&omplexity Lab - calendar"  Exec xterm          -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb 
+mb -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -T "Complexity Lab - calendar" -e ssh [EMAIL 
+ "Complexity Lab - mai&l"      Exec xterm          -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb 
+mb -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -T "Complexity Lab - mail"     -e ssh    [EMAIL 


AddToFunc "Vinduer_Munin_og_SSLUG"
+ "I" Exec xterm   -geometry 80x24+0+0     -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -ls -sb 
-rw -aw -sl 256 +vb +mb -T " Postoversigt"  -e ssh   
-t screen -dr Postoversigt
# "I" Exec xterm   -geometry 80x24+507+0   -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -ls -sb 
-rw -aw -sl 256 +vb +mb -T " Status"        -e ssh   
-t screen -dr Status
+ "I" Exec xterm   -geometry 80x30+0+341   -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -ls -sb 
-rw -aw -sl 256 +vb +mb -T " Postkasse"     -e ssh   
-t screen -dr Postkasse
# "I" Exec xterm   -geometry 80x23+507+341 -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -ls -sb 
-rw -aw -sl 256 +vb +mb -T " Postsortering" -e ssh   
-t screen -dr Postsortering
+ "I" Exec xterm   -geometry 80x49+507+0   -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -ls -sb 
-rw -aw -sl 256 +vb +mb -T " Postsortering" -e ssh   
-t screen -dr Postsortering
+ "I" Exec xterm   -geometry 80x57+0+768   -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -ls +sb 
-rw -aw -sl 256 +vb +mb -T " IRC"           -e ssh   
-t screen -dr IRC
+ "I" Exec xterm   -geometry 80x57+0+768   -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -ls +sb 
-rw -aw -sl 256 +vb +mb -T " IRC"          -e ssh  
-t screen -dr IRC
+ "I" Exec xterm   -geometry 80x57+0+768   -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -ls +sb 
-rw -aw -sl 256 +vb +mb -T " IRC"         -e ssh 
-t screen -dr IRC
+ "I" Exec xterm -e ssh

#--  Systemovervågning:

AddToMenu Systemovervågning
+ "Systemovervågning"                   Title
+ ""                                    Nop
+ "Trafik på eth&0"                     Exec xnetload eth0
+ "Trafik på eth&1"                     Exec xnetload eth1
+ "Trafik på &ppp0"                     Exec xnetload ppp0
+ ""                                    Nop
+ "Processor&belastning"                Exec xload

#--  Systemstyring:

AddToMenu Systemstyring
+ "Systemstyring"                       Title
+ ""                                    Nop
+ "Fast net på &CRS4"                   Exec xterm -e 
${HOME}/bin/skift_netværksopsætning crs4
+ "Fast net i &Napoli"                  Exec xterm -e 
${HOME}/bin/skift_netværksopsætning napoli
+ "Fast net &hjemme"                    Exec xterm -e 
${HOME}/bin/skift_netværksopsætning heima
# "&Trådløst net"                       Exec radionet
# "Åbn forbindelse til &afs"            Exec xterm -geometry 150x5+0-0 -ls -sb 
-rw -aw -sl 256 +vb +mb -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -e ssh -R 11022:localhost:22 
# "Åbn &postkasser på NBI"              Exec 
+ "Åbn &vinduer på Munin og SSLUG"      Function Vinduer_Munin_og_SSLUG
+ "System&overvågning"                  Popup Systemovervågning
# ""                                    Nop
# "L&ynhurtig mus"                      Exec xset m 7 10
# "&Hurtig mus"                         Exec xset m 3 10
# "Normal &mus"                         Exec xset m default
# "Lang&som mus"                        Exec xset m 0 10
+ ""                                    Nop
+ "&Genstart fvwm2"                     Restart fvwm2
+ "&Lås skærmen"                        Exec xlock -mode blank
+ "&Sluk skærmen"                       Exec xset dpms force off
+ "&Tænd skærmen"                       Exec xset dpms force on
# "&Lås skærmen"                        Exec xlock -bitmap 
/home/cmplx/sparre/.skærmskåner.xpm -mode image
+ "Indstillinger"                       Popup Indstillinger
+ "Gentegn alt"                         Refresh
+ ""                                    Nop
+ "Log ud"                              Popup Logud


AddToMenu Editorer "xedit" Exec exec xedit
+              "emacs" Exec exec emacs -i
+              "vi editor" Exec exec xterm +sb -e vi

AddToMenu Info "Mosaic" Exec exec mosaic
#       Exec    "InfoExplorer"  exec info
+              "Arena" Exec exec arena
+              "Gopher" Exec exec xgopher
#       Exec    "Archie"        exec xarchie

AddToMenu Prog "monitor -top" Exec exec xterm -fn fixed -geometry 80x30 +sb -e 
+              "gnuplot" Exec exec xterm -bg salmon -T GNUPLOT -e gnuplot
#       Exec    "Xmgr (databeh)"        exec xmgr
+              "xfig (tegneprg)" Exec exec xfig
+       Exec    "xpaint"        exec xpaint
+              "ghostview" Exec exec ghostview
#              "xv (grafik)" Exec exec xv -8
#       Exec    "Mathematica"   exec xterm -fn rom6.iso1 -e mathematica
#              "Mathematica" Exec exec xterm -e math
#              "IDL" Exec exec xterm -e idl

AddToMenu Diverse "Lommeregner" Exec exec xcalc -stip
+              "Xeyes" Exec exec xeyes
+              "Lup" Exec exec xmag
+              "Oclock" Exec exec oclock
+              "Xclock" Exec exec xclock
+              "Postkasse" Exec exec xbiff -geometry 94x94-103-0 -fg \#a00000 
-bg \#ffffc0 -file ~/Mail/.from

AddToMenu HoejreMenu
+ "Applikationer"   Title
+ "asWedit"         Exec asWedit
+ "CD på cradle"    Exec ssh cradle (cp alf/.Xauthority .; xplaycd)
+ "dxnotepad"       Exec dxnotepad
+ "mere redigering" Popup Editorer
+ ""                Nop
+ "info"            Popup Info
+ "programmer"      Popup Prog
+ "diverse"         Popup Diverse


# One more complex function - couldn't be defined earlier because it used
# pop-up menus
# This creates a motif-ish sticky menu for the title-bar window-ops
# pop-up
# Menu acts like normal twm menu if you just hold the button down,
# but if you click instead, the menu stays up, motif style
AddToFunc "window_ops_func" "C" PopUp Window Ops2
+              "M" PopUp Window Ops2
# Motif would add:
# I'll add it too, it can be mighty handy.
+              "D" Close

# Jacob:
AddToFunc "Move-popup-or-Iconify" "M" Move
+              "C" PopUp Window Ops2
+              "D" Iconify

# This defines the mouse bindings

# First, for the mouse in the root window
# Button 1 gives the Utilities menu
# Button 2 gives the Window Ops menu
# Button 3 gives the WindowList (like TwmWindows)
# I use the AnyModifier (A) option for the modifier field, so you can hold down
# any shift-control-whatever combination you want!

#     Button    Context Modifi  Function
#Mouse 1                R       A       Menu Programmer Nop
#Mouse 2                R       A       Menu Vinduesstyringsmenu Nop
#Mouse 3                R       A       Menu HoejreMenu Nop

#Mouse 1                R       A       PopUp "Utilities"
#Mouse 2                R       A       PopUp "Window Ops"
#Mouse 3                R       A       Module "winlist" FvwmWinList transient

# Now the title bar buttons
# Any button in the left title-bar button gives the window ops menu
# Any button in the right title-bar button Iconifies the window
# Any button in the rightmost title-bar button maximizes
# Note the use of "Mouse 0" for AnyButton.

#     Button    Context Modifi  Function
#Mouse 0                1       A       Function "window_ops_func"
#Mouse 0                2       A       Function "maximize_func"
#Mouse 0                4       A       Iconify

# Now the rest of the frame
# invoke my complex functions for Move-or-lower, Move-or-raise,
# and Resize-or-Raise.

# Knap 1 i kanterne (F) og siderne (S) giver "Resize-or-Raise":
#Mouse 1                FS      A       Function "Resize-or-Raise"

# Button 1 in the title, sides, or icon, w/ any modifiers, gives move or raise
#Mouse 1                T       A       Function "Move-or-Raise"

# Button 1 in an icons gives move for a drag, de-iconify for a double-click,
# nothing for a single click
#Mouse 1                I       A       Function "Move-popup-or-Iconify"

# Button 2 anywhere in the decoration (except the title-bar buttons)
# does a move or raise-lower
#Mouse 2                TSF     A       Function "Move-or-RaiseLower"

# Knap 2 skal give afikonificering ved tryk, ellers flyt:
#Mouse 2                I       A       Function "Move-or-Iconify"

# Button 3 gives the window ops menu
#Mouse 3                TSIF    A Menu WindowOps Nop

# Button 3 in the window, with the Modifier-1 key (usually alt or diamond)
# gives Raise-Lower. Used to use control here, but that interferes with xterm
#Mouse 3         W       M       RaiseLower

# Now some keyboard shortcuts.

# Arrow Keys

# press arrow + meta key, and scroll by 1/10 of a page
#Key Left       A       M       Scroll -10 +0
#Key Right      A       M       Scroll +10 +0
#Key Up         A       M       Scroll +0   -10
#Key Down       A       M       Scroll +0   +10

# press arrow + control meta keys, and scroll 1 page
Key Left        A       CM      Scroll -100 +0
Key Right       A       CM      Scroll +100 +0
Key Up          A       CM      Scroll +0   -100
Key Down        A       CM      Scroll +0   +100

#Key Left       A       SM      CursorMove -1 0
#Key Right      A       SM      CursorMove +1 +0
#Key Up         A       SM      CursorMove +0   -1
#Key Down       A       SM      CursorMove +0   +1

Key Left        A       SCM     CursorMove -10 +0
Key Right       A       SCM     CursorMove +10 +0
Key Up          A       SCM     CursorMove +0   -10
Key Down        A       SCM     CursorMove +0   +10

# Keyboard accelerators
Key F1          A        C      Exec xgoogle
Key F1          A         M     Iconify
Key F2          A        C      Exec xterm          -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 +vb 
+mb -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000
Key F2          A         M     Maximize 100 100
Key F3          A        C      Exec start_browser_from_clipboard galeon
Key F3          A         M     RaiseLower
Key F4          A         M     Close
Key F5          A         M     CirculateUp
Key F6          A         M     CirculateDown
Key F7          A         M     Move
Key F8          A         M     Resize
Key F9          A         M     Stick
Key F10         A         M     Maximize

Key Tab         A       C       CirculateDown
Key Tab         A         M     GoToNextWindow

Key Escape      A       C       WindowList
Key Escape      A        S      Popup "Programmer"
Key Escape      A         M     Popup "Terminalvinduer"
Key Escape      A       CS      Popup "Systemstyring"

#Page Up/Page Down keys are used to scroll by one desktop page
# in any context, press page up/down + control
# in root context, just pressing page up/down is OK
# I prefer the non-wrapping scroll. These are for example purposes only
#Key Next       A       C       Scroll 100000 0
#Key Next       R       N       Scroll 100000 0
#Key Prior      A       C       Scroll -100000 0
#Key Prior      R       N       Scroll -100000 0

#Definitions used by the modules

###################### GoodStuff button-bar ################################
# Colors
#*GoodStuffFore #ffffc0
#*GoodStuffBack #a00000

# Font
#*GoodStuffFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
# Geometry - really likes to pick its own size, but giving a position is OK
#*GoodStuffGeometry -1-1

# Layout: specify rows or columns, not both
# *GoodStuffRows 3
#*GoodStuffColumns 6

#*GoodStuff(6x3) - whatever SwallowModule "FvwmPager" FvwmPager 0 2
#*GoodStuff regne  rcalc.xpm Exec "Calculator" xcalc &
#*GoodStuff meyer  Term2 Exec "meyer"  xterm -fn 7x13 -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 
+vb +mb -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -T '' -n meyer  -e rlogin &
#*GoodStuff cradle Term2 Exec "cradle" xterm -fn 7x13 -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 
+vb +mb -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -T ''   -n cradle -e rlogin &
#*GoodStuff alf    Term2 Exec "alf"    xterm -fn 7x13 -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 
+vb +mb -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 -T ''      -n alf    -e rlogin &
#*GoodStuff term   Term2 Exec "xterm"  xterm -fn 7x13 -ls -sb -rw -aw -sl 256 
+vb +mb -bg \#ffffc0 -fg \#a00000 &
#*GoodStuff(1x2) - c Swallow "XBiff" xbiff -geometry -1-1 -volume 0 -file 
~/Mail/.from &
#*GoodStuff(2x3) - c Swallow "Clock" oclock -bg \#908090 -geometry -1500-1500 &
#*GoodStuff Hold  clamp.xpm   TogglePage
#*GoodStuff Flyt xdt_c_large/drag_d.xbm  Move
#*GoodStuff Lås whatever Exec "xlock" xlock&
#*GoodStuff Luk xbomb.xpm Close

######################### No Clutter ########################################
# I only wrote NoClutter as a simple test case, but maybe some big sites like
# universities really have usage problems (too many open windows)....
# Time delays are in seconds.
*FvwmNoClutter 3600 Iconify 1
*FvwmNoClutter 86400 Close
*FvwmNoCLutter 172800 Destroy

########################## Window-Identifier ###############################
# Just choose colors and a fonts
#*FvwmIdentBack MidnightBlue
*FvwmIdentBack Black
*FvwmIdentFore Yellow
*FvwmIdentFont -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

########################### Pager #########################################
*FvwmPagerBack #908090
*FvwmPagerFore #484048
*FvwmPagerFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*FvwmPagerHilight #cab3ca
*FvwmPagerGeometry -1-1
*FvwmPagerLabel 0 studium
*FvwmPagerLabel 1 sjov
*FvwmPagerLabel 2 arbejde
*FvwmPagerLabel 3 andet
*FvwmPagerSmallFont 5x8

*FvwmWinListBack #908090
*FvwmWinListFore Black
*FvwmWinListFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*FvwmWinListAction Click1 Iconify -1,Focus
*FvwmWinListAction Click2 Iconify
*FvwmWinListAction Click3 Module "FvwmIdent" FvwmIdent
*FvwmWinListGeometry +0-1

########################## Fis & Ballade ##############################
# ændrer musen til at være et hjerte når den står i menubjælken :-)
# Cursor 1 62

# en stjerne ved vinduesplacering
# Cursor 0 126

#Set the foreground, background and stipple color and font for menus
MenuStyle   #ffffc0 #a00000 #ffc0c0 -*-times-medium-i-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* fvwm

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