I'm currently working on a conversion script (not part of 
maintainer-scripts), that'll migrate path approach to desktop-profiles 

I'm currently unsure about wether to provide a hook through which the admin 
can start that script from within the package installation or not.
This bug seams to imply "don't do that, it's *BAD*", I just don't see why 
that would be so (see below)

On Saturday 28 May 2005 19:22, Peter Palfrader wrote:
> On Sun, 22 May 2005, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> > Please elaborate on Debian Policy section 10.7.4, paragraph 2:
> > The maintainer scripts must not alter a `conffile' of _any_ package,
> > including the one the scripts belong to.

> Also, the sarge rc policy outlines it in even more detail:

> Since that .../path file is a conffile it should be pretty clear that
> even asking the admin and then doing it is not acceptable.

I don't see it as the maintainer script modifying the path file, but as the 
admin doing so (with a tool provided by the maintainer script)

Assuming the script I spoke of above:
I don't see any fundamental difference between the admin running the 
conversion script on a second terminal or after the installation, 
and the admin starting the script through a hook in the installation:
- in either case it's the conscious decision of the admin to start the 
conversion script.
- it's just the means through which the admin starts the script that's 
different, the hook making it sligtly easier for the admin
Cheers, cobaco (aka Bart Cornelis)
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