severity 310884 normal
> On Fri, May 27, 2005 at 11:54:46AM +0900, Kenshi Muto wrote:
> > severity 310884 important
> > thanks
> > 
> > Hi,
> > As terry said, I couldn't find any problem with pbuilder and sbuild
> > (buildd utility).
> > I think this bug may beclosed, but just do downgrade at now.
> It's not because you can't reproduce this that you should lower
> the severity.
On a system with correct RTC settings, with no bugs in the touch(1) utility
this cannot happen. It can happen only when make(1) detects that the .c file
to be generated from a .cmod source is older than the .cmod source. is called only in such situation or when running 'make export'
on the CVS sources - in the latter case, the .c timestamp is newer than that
of the .cmod. Therefore, please check your RTC and the touch(1) utility
(there was a problem with it not working properly on hppa and mips long time
ago, perhaps you stumbled across the same/similar problem). I haven't been
able to reproduce the problem as well so I'm downgrading the bug severity to
normal. Please do not raise it until you can show us a reproducible scenario
to reproduce the bug, thanks


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