tags 476321 patch


I guess the attached patch should address the insecure tmp file. However, I 
seem to be unable to startup the application. The only thing that happens is 
that the window pops up and says "loading code: helpers.tcl".
Anyone able to use this application?

--- ../old/cecilia-2.0.5/lib/prefs.tcl	2003-02-17 19:26:58.000000000 +0000
+++ cecilia-2.0.5/lib/prefs.tcl	2008-05-06 11:26:21.000000000 +0000
@@ -182,8 +182,9 @@
 	return [localCsound]
     } {
 	puts "info: $csound found; verifying version"
-	catch {exec $csound >& /tmp/csvers}
-	set f [open /tmp/csvers r]
+	set tmp [exec mktemp -t]
+	catch {exec $csound >& $tmp}
+	set f [open $tmp r]
 	while ![eof $f] {
 	    set l [gets $f ]
 	    if [regexp Version $l] { break }

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