Package: libcdio
Version: 0.78.2+dfsg1-2.1
Severity: serious
Usertags: qa-ftbfs-20080522 qa-ftbfs
Justification: FTBFS on i386


During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build on

This rebuild was done with gcc 4.3 instead of gcc 4.2, because gcc 4.3
is now the default on most architectures (even if it's not the case on
i386 yet).  Consequently, many failures are caused by the switch to gcc
If you determine that this failure is caused by gcc 4.3, feel free to
downgrade this bug to 'important' if your package is only built on i386,
and this bug is specific to gcc 4.3 (i.e the package builds fine with
gcc 4.2).

Relevant part:
> make[3]: Entering directory 
> `/build/user-libcdio_0.78.2+dfsg1-2.1-amd64-BBTFdx/libcdio_0.78.2+dfsg1-2.1/test'
> checking sizeof (msf_t) ...ok!
> checking sizeof (iso_volume_descriptor_t) ...ok!
> checking sizeof (iso9660_pvd_t) ...ok!
> checking sizeof (iso_path_table_t) ...ok!
> checking sizeof (iso9660_dir_t) ...ok!
> checking sizeof (iso9660_xa_t) ...ok!
> PASS: check_sizeof
> !ASSERT: file testassert.c: line 33 (main): should not be reached
> /bin/sh: line 4: 10971 Aborted                 ${dir}$tst
> XFAIL: testassert
> Correct: cdda.cue parses as a CDRWin CUE file.
> Correct: isofs-m1.cue parses as a CDRWin CUE file.
>    INFO: ./bad-cat1.cue line 4 after word CATALOG: 
>    INFO: expecting 13-digit media catalog number, got nothing.
> Correct: bad-cat1.cue doesn't parse as a CDRWin CUE file.
>    INFO: ./bad-cat2.cue line 4 after word CATALOG: 
>    INFO: Token "167890123" has length 11. Should be 13 digits.
> Correct: bad-cat2.cue doesn't parse as a CDRWin CUE file.
>    INFO: ./bad-cat3.cue line 4 after word CATALOG:
>    INFO: Character "b" at postition 10 of token "123456789b123" is not all 
> digits.
> Correct: bad-cat3.cue doesn't parse as a CDRWin CUE file.
>    INFO: ./bad-mode1.cue line 6 after word TRACK:
>    INFO: Unknown track mode MODE3_FORM1
> Correct: bad-mode1.cue doesn't parse as a CDRWin CUE file.
>    INFO: ./bad-msf-1.cue line 7: after word INDEX:
>    INFO: Invalid MSF string 00:00:100
> Correct: bad-msf-1.cue doesn't parse as a CDRWin CUE file.
>    INFO: ./bad-msf-2.cue line 7: after word INDEX:
>    INFO: Invalid MSF string 00:90:00
> Correct: bad-msf-2.cue doesn't parse as a CDRWin CUE file.
>    INFO: ./bad-msf-3.cue line 7: after word INDEX:
>    INFO: Invalid MSF string xx:yy:0
> Correct: bad-msf-3.cue doesn't parse as a CDRWin CUE file.
> PASS: testbincue
>    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
> 0        0   P                     |       0   P                    
> 1        1 A Q                     |     ! 1 A Q                    
> 2        2 B R                     |     " 2 B R                    
> 3        3 C S                     |       3 C S                    
> 4        4 D T                     |       4 D T                    
> 5        5 E U                     |     % 5 E U                    
> 6        6 F V                     |     & 6 F V                    
> 7        7 G W                     |     ' 7 G W                    
> 8        8 H X                     |     ( 8 H X                    
> 9        9 I Y                     |     ) 9 I Y                    
> a          J Z                     |     * : J Z                    
> b          K                       |     + ; K                      
> c          L                       |     , < L                      
> d          M                       |     - = M                      
> e          N                       |     . > N                      
> f          O _                     |     / ? O _                    
> PASS: testischar
> Unable find or access a CD-ROM drive with an ISO-9660 filesystem.
> SKIP: testisocd
> ++ WARN: string 'ABC!123' is getting truncated to 2 characters
> Month days aren't equal. get: 22, set 23
> Week days aren't equal. get: 4, set 5
> Year days aren't equal. get: 142, set 143
> local time retrieved with iso9660_get_ltime() not
> same as that set with iso9660_set_ltime().
> FAIL: testiso9660
> Unable find or access a CD-ROM drive with an audio CD in it.
> SKIP: testparanoia
>    INFO: ./cdtext.toc line 47: unimplimented keyword: SILENCE
> Correct: cdtext.toc parses as a cdrdao TOC file.
>    INFO: ./t1.toc line 5: unimplimented keyword: SILENCE
> Correct: t1.toc parses as a cdrdao TOC file.
> Correct: t2.toc parses as a cdrdao TOC file.
> Correct: t3.toc parses as a cdrdao TOC file.
> Correct: t4.toc parses as a cdrdao TOC file.
> Correct: t5.toc parses as a cdrdao TOC file.
> Correct: t6.toc parses as a cdrdao TOC file.
> Correct: t7.toc parses as a cdrdao TOC file.
> Correct: t8.toc parses as a cdrdao TOC file.
> Correct: t9.toc parses as a cdrdao TOC file.
>    INFO: ./data1.toc line 7: unimplimented keyword: SILENCE
> Correct: data1.toc parses as a cdrdao TOC file.
>    INFO: ./data2.toc line 8: unimplimented keyword: ZERO
> Correct: data2.toc parses as a cdrdao TOC file.
> Correct: data5.toc parses as a cdrdao TOC file.
> Correct: data6.toc parses as a cdrdao TOC file.
> Correct: data7.toc parses as a cdrdao TOC file.
> Correct: vcd2.toc parses as a cdrdao TOC file.
>    INFO: ./bad-msf-1.toc line 6: invalid MSF string 0:0:75
> Correct: bad-msf-1.toc doesn't parse as a cdrdao TOC file.
>    INFO: ./bad-msf-2.toc line 6: invalid MSF string 0:60:0
> Correct: bad-msf-2.toc doesn't parse as a cdrdao TOC file.
>    INFO: ./bad-msf-3.toc line 6: invalid MSF string xx:yy:zz
> Correct: bad-msf-3.toc doesn't parse as a cdrdao TOC file.
>    INFO: ./bad-cat1.toc line 4 after word CATALOG:
>    INFO: Expecting 13 digits; nothing seen.
> Correct: bad-cat1.toc doesn't parse as a cdrdao TOC file.
>    INFO: ./bad-cat2.toc line 4 after word CATALOG:
>    INFO: Token 167890123   has length 11. Should be 13 digits.
> Correct: bad-cat2.toc doesn't parse as a cdrdao TOC file.
>    INFO: ./bad-cat3.toc line 4 after word CATALOG:
>    INFO: Character "A" at postition 10 of token "123456789A123" is not all 
> digits.
> Correct: bad-cat3.toc doesn't parse as a cdrdao TOC file.
> ++ WARN: could not retrieve file info for `foo.bin': No such file or directory
>    INFO: ./bad-file.toc line 8: can't open file `foo.bin' for reading
> Correct: bad-file.toc doesn't parse as a cdrdao TOC file.
>    INFO: ./bad-mode1.toc line 4 after TRACK:
>    INFO: 'MODE1_FORM45' not a valid mode.
> Correct: bad-mode1.toc doesn't parse as a cdrdao TOC file.
> PASS: testtoc
> ./ cd-info NRG test 1 ok.
> Don't see NRG file ./monvoisin.nrg. Test skipped.
> ./ cd-info CUE test CD-DA ok.
> ./ cd-info BIN test CD-DA ok.
> ./ cd-info TOC test CD-DA ok.
> ./ cd-info Rock-Ridge CUE test ISO 9660 mode1 CUE ok.
> ./ cd-info no Rock-Ridge CUE test ISO 9660 mode1 CUE ok.
> ./ cd-info TOC test ISO 9660 mode1 TOC ok.
> Don't see CUE file ./vcd_demo.cue. Test Video CD skipped.
> Don't see CUE file ./svcd_ogt_test_ntsc.bin. Test Super Video CD skipped.
> ./ cd-read CUE test CD-DA ok.
> ./ cd-read CUE test MODE1 ok.
> ./ iso-info basic test ok.
> ./ iso-read basic test ok.
> ./ iso-info Rock Ridge test ok.
> ./ iso-info Joliet test ok.
> ./ iso-info --no-joliet test ok.
> Sorry, could not find an ISO 9660 image from 
> /build/user-libcdio_0.78.2+dfsg1-2.1-amd64-BBTFdx/libcdio_0.78.2+dfsg1-2.1/test/cdda.bin
> /.
> /..
> /copying
> /doc
> /.
> /..
> /copy
> /copy2
> /copying
> /fd0
> /tmp
> /zero
> /.
> /..
> /copying
> /.
> /..
> /libcdio
> /.
> /..
> /copying
> /.
> /..
> /ext
> /mpeg2
> /segment
> /svcd
> cdparanoia III release 9.8 libcdio 0.78.2 i486-pc-linux-gnu
> (C) 2001 Monty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and Xiphophorus
> (C) 2004, 2005 Rocky Bernstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Report bugs to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Checking ./cdda.cue for cdrom...
> Verifying drive can read CDDA...
>       Expected command set reads OK.
> Attempting to determine drive endianness from data....
>       Data appears to be coming back Little Endian.
>       certainty: 100%
> Table of contents (audio tracks only):
> track        length               begin        copy pre ch
> ===========================================================
>   1.      302 [00:04.02]        0 [00:00.00]    OK   no  2
> TOTAL     302 [00:04.02]    (audio only)
> Ripping from sector       0 (track  1 [0:00.00])
>         to sector     301 (track  1 [0:04.01])
> outputting to cdda.raw
> Done.
> 44377+0 records in
> 44377+0 records out
> 710032 bytes (710 kB) copied, 0.105317 s, 6.7 MB/s
> 44377+0 records in
> 44377+0 records out
> 710032 bytes (710 kB) copied, 0.108029 s, 6.6 MB/s
> ** Raw cdda.bin extraction okay
> cdparanoia III release 9.8 libcdio 0.78.2 i486-pc-linux-gnu
> (C) 2001 Monty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and Xiphophorus
> (C) 2004, 2005 Rocky Bernstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Report bugs to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Checking ./cdda.cue for cdrom...
> Verifying drive can read CDDA...
>       Expected command set reads OK.
> Attempting to determine drive endianness from data....
>       Data appears to be coming back Little Endian.
>       certainty: 100%
> Table of contents (audio tracks only):
> track        length               begin        copy pre ch
> ===========================================================
>   1.      302 [00:04.02]        0 [00:00.00]    OK   no  2
> TOTAL     302 [00:04.02]    (audio only)
> Ripping from sector       0 (track  1 [0:00.00])
>         to sector     301 (track  1 [0:04.01])
> outputting to cdda.raw
> Done.
> cdparanoia III release 9.8 libcdio 0.78.2 i486-pc-linux-gnu
> (C) 2001 Monty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and Xiphophorus
> (C) 2004, 2005 Rocky Bernstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Report bugs to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Ripping from sector       0 (track  1 [0:00.00])
>         to sector     301 (track  1 [0:04.01])
> outputting to cdda.raw
> Done.
> ** Under-run correction okay
> cdparanoia III release 9.8 libcdio 0.78.2 i486-pc-linux-gnu
> (C) 2001 Monty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and Xiphophorus
> (C) 2004, 2005 Rocky Bernstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Report bugs to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Checking ./cdda.cue for cdrom...
> Verifying drive can read CDDA...
>       Expected command set reads OK.
> Attempting to determine drive endianness from data....
>       Data appears to be coming back Little Endian.
>       certainty: 100%
> Table of contents (audio tracks only):
> track        length               begin        copy pre ch
> ===========================================================
>   1.      302 [00:04.02]        0 [00:00.00]    OK   no  2
> TOTAL     302 [00:04.02]    (audio only)
> Ripping from sector       0 (track  1 [0:00.00])
>         to sector     301 (track  1 [0:04.01])
> outputting to cdda.raw
jittering by -584, offset 1768
> jittering by -536, offset 1816
> jittering by -380, offset 1972
> jittering by -156, offset 2196
> jittering by -480, offset 1872
> jittering by -476, offset 1876
> jittering by 28, offset 28
> jittering by -52, offset 2300
> jittering by -312, offset 2040
> jittering by 388, offset 388
> jittering by 504, offset 504
> jittering by 80, offset 80
> jittering by -528, offset 1824
> jittering by 312, offset 312
> jittering by -564, offset 1788
> jittering by -288, offset 2064
> jittering by -236, offset 2116
> jittering by 440, offset 440
jittering by 36, offset 36
> jittering by 492, offset 492
> jittering by 16, offset 16
> jittering by 364, offset 364
> jittering by -364, offset 1988
> jittering by 452, offset 452
> jittering by 80, offset 80
> jittering by -496, offset 1856
> jittering by 368, offset 368
> jittering by 568, offset 568
> jittering by -448, offset 1904
> jittering by 460, offset 460
jittering by 332, offset 332
> jittering by -468, offset 1884
jittering by -288, offset 2064
> jittering by -564, offset 1788
> Done.
> ** Small jitter correction okay
> cdparanoia III release 9.8 libcdio 0.78.2 i486-pc-linux-gnu
> (C) 2001 Monty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and Xiphophorus
> (C) 2004, 2005 Rocky Bernstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Report bugs to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Checking ./cdda.cue for cdrom...
> Verifying drive can read CDDA...
>       Expected command set reads OK.
> Attempting to determine drive endianness from data....
>       Data appears to be coming back Little Endian.
>       certainty: 100%
> Table of contents (audio tracks only):
> track        length               begin        copy pre ch
> ===========================================================
>   1.      302 [00:04.02]        0 [00:00.00]    OK   no  2
> TOTAL     302 [00:04.02]    (audio only)
> Ripping from sector       0 (track  1 [0:00.00])
>         to sector     301 (track  1 [0:04.01])
> outputting to cdda.raw
jittering by -584, offset 1768
> jittering by -536, offset 1816
> jittering by -380, offset 1972
> jittering by -156, offset 2196
> jittering by -480, offset 1872
> jittering by -476, offset 1876
> jittering by 28, offset 28
> jittering by -52, offset 2300
> jittering by -312, offset 2040
> jittering by 388, offset 388
> jittering by 504, offset 504
> jittering by 80, offset 80
> jittering by -528, offset 1824
> jittering by 312, offset 312
> jittering by -564, offset 1788
> jittering by -288, offset 2064
> jittering by -236, offset 2116
> jittering by 440, offset 440
> jittering by 36, offset 36
> jittering by 492, offset 492
> jittering by 16, offset 16
> jittering by 364, offset 364
> jittering by -364, offset 1988
> jittering by 452, offset 452
jittering by 80, offset 80
> jittering by -496, offset 1856
> jittering by 368, offset 368
> jittering by 568, offset 568
> jittering by -448, offset 1904
> jittering by 460, offset 460
jittering by 332, offset 332
> jittering by -468, offset 1884
> jittering by -288, offset 2064
> jittering by -564, offset 1788
> jittering by -140, offset 2212
> jittering by 208, offset 208
jittering by 212, offset 212
> jittering by 296, offset 296
jittering by -580, offset 1772
jittering by 144, offset 144
> jittering by -436, offset 1916
> jittering by 136, offset 136
> jittering by 316, offset 316
> jittering by -368, offset 1984
> jittering by 0, offset 0
> jittering by 8, offset 8
> jittering by -216, offset 2136
> jittering by 236, offset 236
> jittering by -156, offset 2196
> jittering by 440, offset 440
> jittering by -148, offset 2204
> jittering by 28, offset 28
> jittering by -84, offset 2268
> jittering by 48, offset 48
> jittering by 196, offset 196
> jittering by -384, offset 1968
> jittering by 388, offset 388
> jittering by 424, offset 424
> jittering by 316, offset 316
> jittering by -524, offset 1828
> jittering by 548, offset 548
> jittering by -192, offset 2160
> jittering by -488, offset 1864
> jittering by -268, offset 2084
jittering by -500, offset 1852
> jittering by 204, offset 204
> jittering by 364, offset 364
> jittering by -40, offset 2312
> jittering by 80, offset 80
> jittering by 12, offset 12
> jittering by 100, offset 100
> jittering by 280, offset 280
> jittering by 436, offset 436
> jittering by 88, offset 88
> jittering by 544, offset 544
> jittering by -192, offset 2160
> jittering by -124, offset 2228
> jittering by -376, offset 1976
> jittering by -456, offset 1896
> jittering by 412, offset 412
> jittering by 364, offset 364
> jittering by 532, offset 532
> jittering by 472, offset 472
> jittering by -424, offset 1928
> jittering by 216, offset 216
> jittering by -436, offset 1916
> jittering by -580, offset 1772
> jittering by -584, offset 1768
> jittering by -360, offset 1992
> jittering by 100, offset 100
> jittering by -144, offset 2208
> jittering by -556, offset 1796
> jittering by -40, offset 2312
> jittering by 332, offset 332
> jittering by -64, offset 2288
> jittering by -248, offset 2104
> jittering by 412, offset 412
> jittering by 28, offset 28
> jittering by 268, offset 268
> jittering by -272, offset 2080
> jittering by 332, offset 332
> jittering by -36, offset 2316
> jittering by -356, offset 1996
> jittering by -60, offset 2292
> jittering by 268, offset 268
> jittering by 548, offset 548
> jittering by 300, offset 300
> jittering by -36, offset 2316
> jittering by 432, offset 432
> jittering by -428, offset 1924
> jittering by 404, offset 404
> jittering by -564, offset 1788
> jittering by 516, offset 516
> jittering by 200, offset 200
> jittering by 352, offset 352
> jittering by -416, offset 1936
> jittering by 128, offset 128
> jittering by 480, offset 480
> jittering by 320, offset 320
> jittering by -156, offset 2196
> jittering by 520, offset 520
> jittering by 452, offset 452
> jittering by -64, offset 2288
> jittering by -396, offset 1956
> jittering by -88, offset 2264
jittering by -20, offset 2332
> jittering by -548, offset 1804
> jittering by 124, offset 124
> jittering by 340, offset 340
> jittering by -372, offset 1980
> jittering by 28, offset 28
> jittering by 468, offset 468
> jittering by -224, offset 2128
> jittering by 520, offset 520
> jittering by -128, offset 2224
> jittering by 504, offset 504
> jittering by 480, offset 480
> jittering by -188, offset 2164
> jittering by 36, offset 36
> jittering by 236, offset 236
> jittering by 552, offset 552
> jittering by 312, offset 312
> jittering by 296, offset 296
> jittering by -480, offset 1872
> jittering by 416, offset 416
jittering by -380, offset 1972
> jittering by -564, offset 1788
> jittering by -92, offset 2260
> jittering by -236, offset 2116
> jittering by -140, offset 2212
> jittering by -92, offset 2260
> jittering by -424, offset 1928
> jittering by -140, offset 2212
> jittering by -232, offset 2120
> jittering by -560, offset 1792
> jittering by -304, offset 2048
> jittering by -544, offset 1808
> jittering by -328, offset 2024
> jittering by 28, offset 28
> jittering by -4, offset 2348
> jittering by 448, offset 448
> jittering by 320, offset 320
> jittering by -516, offset 1836
jittering by -444, offset 1908
> jittering by 56, offset 56
> jittering by -184, offset 2168
> jittering by -48, offset 2304
> jittering by 100, offset 100
> jittering by 100, offset 100
> jittering by -504, offset 1848
> jittering by 372, offset 372
> jittering by -112, offset 2240
> jittering by 100, offset 100
> jittering by -360, offset 1992
> jittering by 460, offset 460
> jittering by -380, offset 1972
> jittering by -340, offset 2012
> jittering by -448, offset 1904
> jittering by -400, offset 1952
jittering by 576, offset 576
> jittering by 212, offset 212
> jittering by 364, offset 364
> jittering by 164, offset 164
> jittering by -200, offset 2152
> jittering by 276, offset 276
> jittering by 380, offset 380
> jittering by 260, offset 260
> jittering by 184, offset 184
> jittering by -164, offset 2188
> jittering by 128, offset 128
> jittering by -96, offset 2256
> jittering by 368, offset 368
> jittering by 320, offset 320
> jittering by -264, offset 2088
jittering by -532, offset 1820
> jittering by 116, offset 116
> jittering by 16, offset 16
> jittering by 152, offset 152
> jittering by -372, offset 1980
> jittering by -260, offset 2092
> jittering by -52, offset 2300
> jittering by 168, offset 168
> jittering by 284, offset 284
> jittering by -100, offset 2252
> jittering by 136, offset 136
jittering by 136, offset 136
> jittering by 416, offset 416
> jittering by -372, offset 1980
> jittering by -224, offset 2128
> jittering by -560, offset 1792
> jittering by -576, offset 1776
jittering by 528, offset 528
> jittering by 576, offset 576
> jittering by -344, offset 2008
> jittering by 120, offset 120
> jittering by 512, offset 512
jittering by 68, offset 68
> jittering by 52, offset 52
> jittering by -68, offset 2284
> jittering by -56, offset 2296
jittering by -224, offset 2128
> Done.
> ** under-run + jitter correction okay
> ./ cd-info option test -T ok.
> ./ cd-info option test --no-tracks ok.
> ./ cd-info option test -A ok.
> ./ cd-info option test --no-analyze ok.
> ./ cd-info option test -I ok.
> ./ cd-info option test --no-ioctl ok.
> ./ cd-info option test -q ok.
> ./ cd-info option test --quiet ok.
> ======================
> 1 of 13 tests failed
> (2 tests were not run)
> ======================
> make[3]: *** [check-TESTS] Error 1

The full build log is available from:

A list of current common problems and possible solutions is available at . You're welcome to contribute!

About the archive rebuild: The rebuild was done on about 50 AMD64 nodes
of the Grid'5000 platform, using a clean chroot containing a sid i386
environment.  Internet was not accessible from the build systems.

| Lucas Nussbaum
| jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]             GPG: 1024D/023B3F4F |

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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